Is anyone here on Duolingo?
I’m learning Spanish! On Duolingo, a free language learning tool.
I am thinking about writing the occasional review in Spanish. I’d need to research a lot of the terminology that wouldn’t be included in the day to day lessons they give. Would anyone here be able to help me with that? I’d send tea!
or we could practice talking :)
Muchos gracias!
I am, but I’m using it infrequently and for French, so I can’t help you with your Spanish terminology.
I’m thinking about doing French next! Good to know I’m not the only language loving Steepsterite :D
I’ve been trying to motivate myself to take up Mandarin again, so I can communicate with my family. I have Rosetta Stone for it, but it’s just sooo hard. Getting on Duolingo and working on French was supposed to help me get back into the learning a language groove, since my comprehension isn’t too bad already, but I haven’t been able to make a habit of it.
Mandarin is really hard! esp if you aren’t familiar with Asian languages. I tried Japanese years ago. I may pick it up again one day…
I’m waiting for them to make Danish available. Then I shall ace it. :p
It’ll come soon I think! I can’t wait til they finish the Polish one. It’s been in the incubator, stuck at 7% for months now
It is! I didn’t realize, because I only look at the weekly update they send out
Ha. I’ll challenge the lot of you to beat my score. (Unfair advantage? What unfair advantage???)
I haven’t used it in months but I was learning some more French with it. I had some false confidence from the first sets of lessons, and thought perhaps I actually knew more than I thought. Then it got harder. I do like it, but at the time I felt that it didn’t transition in a way that taught me more, it sort of felt like I just had to guess how to use new words but couldn’t get through the levels.
I will definitely pick it up again at some point though. It helped me get a bit of grade school French in my brain and I would like to build on it.
That’s kindof what I did with Spanish! I did a few lessons and then got bored, and came back to it six months later.
Now, I am halfway down the tree and the past tense is kicking my butt haha.
Good luck with the French! I find the discussions help some
I could help, spanish is my second language, since I was a kid. I just need to freshen up on my spanish vocab.
Oooh!? I may take you up on that one mars1. I need to get more comfortable with constructing sentences and then I hope to start writing more in Spanish
I just started trying DuoLingo to brush up on my French (I took five years in high school and college). It seems okay so far, my only complaint is that it’s not terribly good for speaking. It’s not at all picky about my pronunciation during the speaking exercises. :( Also, typos make me angry, lol!
ah oui ? pourtant il n’y a rien de compliqué dans notre façon d’écrire à nous autres petites grenouilles ;)
It’s been nearly twenty years since I took French. Oh boy do I feel old now! haha
Little frogs?? :)
yes it is our nickname given by our English “ennemies”, they do call Frenchs “the frogs or froggies” and in return Frenchs are calling the English “the rosbeefs”…
I haven’t used it in a few months, but I was doing Spanish on it
Sighs. I assumed there would be a search function for looking people up, but I don’t see one?! Duo tends to offer some people features as a beta test and then not to others. I had it not long ago. Ah well.
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