Garret said

Mandala Tea Raw Pu'er Sampler Pack is up!

Hey friends! Garret here, wishing you each a truly magnificent day filled with joy and easy breathing.

I am announcing the raw pu’er sampler pack. This will be a limited time offer, most likely much shorter than the duration of our incredibly well-received ripe sampler pack.

Know that regardless of whether you purchase only the sampler pack or put it in your cart with other items you will only pay $5 for the sampler. We’d like the chance to show you how wonderful young raw pu’ers can be and appreciate the opportunity to do so.

With gratitude,

38 Replies

Awesome. You’ll probably see a better response once the board I freezes again. I only saw this because I switched to date posted view.

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Tealizzy said

Ordered! Yay!!!!

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Cheri select said

Yay! I’m so excited to see this!

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mrmopar said

Done and in. Been waiting for this one. Thanks and Much gratitude for all the fine people at Mandala.

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Megan said

This may be the final push for me to finally try some raw pu’er!

Megan said


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Garret said

We have successfully sent out every sampler order that came in last night and today!!! Whoa!! This may be much more limited time offer than we thought. This fella can only break apart so many cakes :) Enjoy, y’all!

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Ordered mine yesterday, it’s my early b-day gift.

Garret said

You should have written yourself a gift message, then :) Your gift shipped out today!

Thanks! Yeah, I should have made a b-day note.

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vc said

Trying to order but for some reason the paypal won’t go through and I don’t see other methods of payment on the checkout page :(

Garret said

Apparently Paypal is having some issues today, as we are not the only e-commerce site with this problem. Here is a link to a screen shot showing credit card option, just click on credit card. All other orders are coming through today.

Thanks for making an order, my friend. I’ll ship it out tomorrow!


vc said

Hmm maybe it’s my laptop, but I can’t see your screenshot link or click on credit card on the website. I’ll try it again on my home computer later. Thanks though!

vc said

This is what my checkout page looks like

I guess I’ll wait for paypal to start working again.

Hey vc – any chance your card’s billing address is somewhere other than the US? I’ve been puzzling over your screencap image. While digging in our shopping cart configuration I noticed our credit card option was limiting to US addresses. I’ve since added Canada. If that’s not the issue, I’m stumped. We can always process an order over the phone if you don’t mind – 507.258.4105 from 9:30AM to 5:00PM Central Time on weekdays.

vc said

Ya I’m in Canada. I’ll try again thanks a lot!

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OooooooooooooooooooooO I just saw this now! Ordered.

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tperez said

Got it too!

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