When I'm feeling under the weather I drink:
Just curious what everyone drinks when they aren’t feeling well. Cold & Flu season is coming! Dun dun dun.
My favorites just happen to be bagged teas.
Stash – Ginger Breakfast for tummy troubles
Tazo – Zen for colds and general blah
I often grab a chai, or something else that’s good with milk and sugar. DAVIDs Citron Oolong and Teavana Six Summits Oolong are also very comforting.
If I need to avoid caffeine, or I’m having stomach issues, I’ll go with some of my favourites – Cornelia Bean London Fog rooibos, Gurmano Golden Bamboo, DAVIDs Watermelon Mint, Metropolitan Tea Co Dutch Licorice rooibos or DAVIDs Jessie’s Tea.
When my stomach is overfull or just upset, I find that drinking sencha really helps me. Not sure whether it’s just in my head or not. ;)
Mint, lemon, ginger or some combo thereof. This is always my answer. Works for most symptoms of cold/flu.
EDIT: Puerh can also help settle an upset tummy, but I think that’s more person specific.
Lemon and hot water work for me too. I’ve never tried steeping ginger by itself but next time I’m feeling under the weather I’ll have to try it!
Honey helps as well, I forgot to add it. Tastes good, feels good and has immune boosting properties or something like that. I don’t really care, I just Looooove it. Ideally, go for locally sourced stuff rather than commercial which may well be cut with corn syrup and other things that don’t belong in honey.
Mint herbal. That really is all I drink if I’m ill. That and water or fruit juice. It gives a fresh flavour in the mouth (which, depending on the illness, can be a must) and it has a generally strong enough flavour that it tastes right when my sense of smell and taste is otherwise messed up. I hardly ever drink any real tea and never any of my good ones. It just tastes too weird under such circumstances.
Oh, I forgot to say, if the illness involves a sore throat, I tend to turn to a mix of chamomile and licorice root. It doesn’t taste very nice, but I find it soothing. Sometimes I add a little honey to it for the same purpose as well.
When I’m feeling under the weather I drink: more tea. Just the hot liquids alone help.
Specifically, if I have congestion I drink ripe pu’er. I find it really helps out, especially if I just start feeling some congestion and sore throat.
Winter Fire (it’s our cayenne/cinnamon/bird’s eye chillies/guayusa blend). Anytime I’m feeling sinusy, I sip a little, inhale the steam, sip a little, inhale the steam and repeat until the cup is done.
Also, I brew a big pot of either water or tea depending on my mood and simmer fresh grated ginger in it for at least half an hour.
If my stomach is feeling upset, I drink shou now. Works pretty awesome!
If I feel like I am getting a cold, I buy raw ginger root, slice it and steep it, plus I take a couple shots of homemade fire cider.
I have neither cold nor upset stomach right now but I cut my hand open at work today (resulting in 3 stitches) and when I was back home American Tea Room’s Brioche with a splash of almond milk seemed like a perfect choice.
When it is just under the weather, chai. If I am having tummy issues or something, something mint based and mild, and/or green.
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