Hollie said

Tea and Books

I didn’t see a thread like this in the last ten days, but didn’t look further back then that. So I’ll apologize now if there is an old one somewhere.

Basically it is exactly what the title says. I think for a lot of us tea and books kind of go hand in hand. At least for me whenever I sit down to read a book I always want a cup a tea. For that matter its the same when I’m going to marathon a new television show on netflix.

So, when you read do you like to drink tea? Or when watching tv/movies for that matter. Do you have a go too comfort tea for those rainy days when you want to curl up with a blanket and your favorite book? What book are you reading right now? What tea are you drinking while you read?

At the moment I’m reading one of my old favorites, Squire by Tamora Pierce. I’m also drinking my go to rainy day tea, Toasted Walnut by DavidsTea.

I’m new to the site so to get to know everyone and hopefully meet some people/friends I figured this would be a good start.

38 Replies
Denny said

I drink tea all the time. Yes with a book and yes while watching a movie. I never have a go to tea. I mix ’em up all the time and am generally happy with whatever it is at the moment. I love drinking tea while doing the chores or even in between sets during my workout.

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SarsyPie said

Welcome, Hollie! The forums have been on the fritz lately, but here’s something similar for you to check out. Lots of great suggestions for books and teas. http://steepster.com/discuss/8745-tea-and-books-on-a-rainy-day-how-much-do-you-like-it

I’m currently reading Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic. It’s a bit dry, but I do find it interesting. Normally I read light mysteries. :)

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Uniquity said

Yay books! I’ve taken up knitting again recently and am also an avid crossworder, and occasional video gamer so I have a hard time splitting all my passions. Needless to say, Netflix gets its share of airtime as well!

Currently I am reading The Bees by Laline Paull in hardback from the library, and on my ereader I’ve got Cooked by Michael Pollan (also from the library). I think I need to pick up an easy book next that I can fly through, maybe a re-read!

That book is so interesting. I love bees.

Uniquity said

I’ve got about 100 pages left and I’m really enjoying it. I’m generally interested in bees, but I feel like learning more now to see what of this is similar to bee behaviour. So interesting!

I PLOUGHED through it. Great writing style. I didn’t know about royal jelly before reading …among other things…I don’t want to say any spoilers!! :O

I also like the fact that it’s in the point of view of a bee, and that this shows how honeybees view bumblebees, wasps, spiders, flies. There are soooo many fascinating things.

I love Michael Pollan, but haven’t read Cooked yet.
How is it?

Uniquity said

I kike some of Pollan’s ideas but he comes off as a prat for me. I didn’t mint the Omnivores Dilemma but this one didn’t jive for me. He compared the four elements to aspects of cooking and then expounded on them for 70ish pages each. I didn’t like it but if you’re a fan of him in general you might!

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Cheri select said

Tamora Pierce is one of my favorite authors. I just adore her books. I’ve read them all a million times (okay, maybe not quite that many times.) I call them my comfort books.

Uniquity said

I see her name a lot lately. I’ll have to pick one up sometime to try out. Wikipedia tells me she has two main universes, which do you recommend I start? I do like fantasy books, but am turned off by a lot of repeated details or minutiae of the background (a la Lord of the Rings). I read Terry Goodkind though, so obviously I can handle repetition better now!

Uniquity said

Okay, just realized there are two universes, filled with series. AHHH. Should I just begin at the beginning? Does it matter? I only read from the library and I like to go somewhat in order so maybe I should go newer. I shot myself in the foot with Pratchett by insisting on reading in publication order, but only once in a while and I forget things.

Cheri select said

I’d start at the beginning of one universe or the other. The characters in Tortall start young but age more quickly; they’re more YA books. In the Circle books they start young and stay young for quite a while; they’re more YT books. She wrote the initial Tortall books first, and that’s where I started. I would probably start there, with Song of the Lioness quartet.

Uniquity said

I’ll give it a go. I’ve found the quartet through the library in audio format which I’m not a fan of. I’ve put in a request to a fantasy loving friend, in case she has them in paper. I was surprised there isn’t an e-format in my library for them, but I see a lot of later books available. Thanks for the recommendation!

Cheri select said

I am on my phone, so it’s being a pain trying to tell if the books are sharable our not. I’ll check when I get back to my computer.

Cheri select said

Unfortunately, it’s not loanable. Sorry!

Cheri select said

Ooh! It looks like the Circle books are loanable, or at least some of them are. Message me your email and I can loan you the Kindle book of the first one.

Uniquity said

I don’t really know about the loan thing, but assuming it doesn’t apply to other types of ereaders? I only joined the e-world a month or two ago, but have a Kobo since I’m Canadian and wanted library books rather than purchased.

Cheri select said

Yeah, it probably won’t work. Sorry. :(

Uniquity said

That’s okay! It was very thoughtful anyway. I will work something out. Where there is a will, there is a way. Maybe I’ll just have to make a library recommendation for purchase!

Tamora Pierce! I loved her Lioness Quartet when I was a kid. I recommend that you start with Alanna.

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gmathis said

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I just started I Never Promised You a Rose Garden. It’s basically….WOW (in a good way)

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It depends. If I’m trying a new tea, I can’t read or watch TV or even listen to music. Usually I need quiet so I can enjoy the tea, gather my thoughts, and capture my reflections in a tasting note.

But if I’m not drinking something new, then I definitely like to read or watch TV at the same time. Currently, I’m reading “Wicked” because I get to meet the author in about a month. :)

Ag select said

Oh man, it’s been a while since I read that, but I remember really liking it. The musical’s so different from the book, but both are great. And you’re meeting Gregory Maguire?! That’s awesome. So jealous! =)

So far, I’m honestly not a fan of the book. Besides the overly explicit sexual material that I find disturbing and unnecessary, he seems to jump forward 5-7 years every time the conflict finally gets climactic. And it is SOOO different from the musical!! I honestly don’t know how someone read this book and then created that musical from it. There are hardly any similarities at all (I’m about halfway through).

Ag select said

It’s definitely a polarizing book. I enjoyed his prose and some of the philosophical/moral/political questions the book raised (though admittedly, if I reread it now, there’s a chance I’d dislike one of the two since my tastes have shifted a little since then).

The musical really only pulls character names from the book and a handful of other details, and the rest is mostly based on the events of the movie, whereas the book is based around the Baum novels, if I remember correctly.

Uniquity said

I haven’t seen the musical, but I did read most of his books. I remember really enjoying Wicked but being let down by the rest. I also didn’t always necessarily like the characters or the story and I too would get frustrated by the leaps but I still enjoyed it. I’ve noticed that I seem to remove explicit scenes from my memory though. I recently convinced someone to read my favourite author (Jasper Fforde) and she reported back that the violence in it really bothered her. I don’t think of it as a violent book so I either gloss over it in my brain in favour of other things or I’m highly desensitized. Likely a combo of both…I’ve read some pretty weird stuff at a pretty young age.

Anyway, good luck with Maguire!

Thanks! I do plan on asking him why he jumped forward in time like that so much. It’ll be interesting to see what he says.

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Just finished Blood Song by Anthony Ryan (Game of Thrones fans….this is better. Seriously.) But when I drink tea, I am usually out with my cats in the yard, just being in the moment….. =^..^=

What makes it better than GOT? And are you referring to the HBO series or the books?

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Hi Hollie! Welcome to Steepster!
I just finished reading ‘Dr Sleep’, by Stephen King. It’s the sequel to ‘The Shining’. I’m not generally into horror, but I do enjoy Stephen King’s writing, & currently my daughter Jess & I are having our own little 2 person book club, with plans to read everything he wrote. The current book is ‘It’.
I’m also reading ‘The Ancient Tea Horse Road’, by Jeff Fuchs, although I’m taking a small break from it.

I pretty much drink tea all the time, whether I’m reading or not. I can’t say that there is any particular tea I’d lean towards, but my choice would more likely be effected by the weather & my mood, than by what I’m reading. :)

Uniquity said

Everything he wrote may take a while! If my mother ever gets back into reading I’d love to have a mini book club with had. We used to read Ted Dekker books together a few years back.

My daughter Jess (age 31, lives one block away with hubby & 2 kids) has been my book reading companion for years. For years we both bought books, & traded them back & forth. When I got a kindle I gave it to her & downloaded the kindle app to my iPad, so now we can read the same books simultaneously, & enjoy lively discussions. :)

Re Stephen King, I was a big fan back in high school (mid seventies), reading everything he wrote, then I deviated from the path, so there’s a lot I haven’t read. We’ll probably read a few, then read something else, then read a few more SK…or something like that :)

Uniquity said

That sounds so great. My mother has been experiencing severe depression for a few years and one of the things she would like to return to (but isn’t yet) is reading. She tries occasionally, and i got her some reading glasses since that is a factor now but she doesn’t have the focus yet. I look forward to the day i can read with her again – and get her help with crosswords!

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Depression sucks! I dealt with it most of my life, & am grateful to no longer have that issue, at least not very often. They say depression can be caused by a chemical imbalance, so of course they want you to take meds to fix it. What they don’t tell you is changing your diet will also fix it. My cure started with shaklee B complex (which I no longer take, when I started eating meat again my B vitamin deficiencies miraculously went away). The other, & more long lasting, part of my cure came (seriously) when I read “The Miracle of Mindfulness” by Thich Nhat Khan (probably misspelled). I know others who have said reading books on & practicing mindfulness really helped them as well. Taichi, Yoga, & walking also help me a lot.

Ubacat said

Mercury fillings can also cause depression and anxiety. When I got mine removed and had a metal cleanse, I never got depression or major anxiety attacks again. I still do tend to feel overwhelmed though… :-( That books sounds interesting. I’ll have to download it to my Kindle app.

Uniquity said

Whew, Steepster let me on the forum! I actually had to get that audiobook for a patron yesterday and wondered what it was about. I think I’ll take a read of it myself. I appreciate hearing your stories – it is amazing the variety of things that can help people. My mother is on medication and has been for some time, but other efforts have been made as well. For the longest time she ate only enough to be alive as she didn’t derive any pleasure from it. I can only assume that resulted in some imbalances, which likely continue today. I’ve tended toward ‘the blues’ especially in winter or extended grey weather but my experience as the relative of someone experiencing a deeper depression has left me more conscious of causes and the things that can be done to turn things around at an early stage. Hopefully these methods can keep me and others from reaching her level, but time will tell. I am just grateful that she finally feels better, no matter the cause.

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