Ost said

Credit Card Hack...

Okay, so I know that the title sounds SUPER accusing. But know that this isn’t like an attack on anyone or anything.
I’m not sure if anyone on here has had their credit card hacked before…but it’s happened twice now when I’ve ordered from a certain tea company. Which I won’t name because it’s not actually their fault that it got hacked-they just have a bad system for keeping info safe apparently.
And like I thought maybe it was just coincidental the first time, but it happened again just today.
The first time someone tried buying a bunch of stuff in other countries, and this time they were spending outrageous amounts of money on repair shops and Best Buy. 0_0

I just wanted to write all this so you guys don’t get your cards hacked too. I know not all banks are good at seeing weird charges and calling you up about it. But just make sure you look at the charges on your bills and make sure that it’s all right because some companies don’t protect your info as well as others do.

Again! I don’t want this to seem like an attack or anything. Just figured I’d mention it because it might happen to you and that really sucks.
All the tea companies here are fantastic, and I’m not accusing the people who run them of being hackers. It’s just that some people don’t have the best system for protecting info.
That’s really all.
So please don’t take this wrong. Just something to make sure you check when you get your bills because I know I haven’t always checked and made sure things were right.
I really hope that no one else has had this problem though! It’s not fun to deal with someone using your credit card and making crazy purchases! Anyway, that’s all :P

94 Replies
Mandy said

Oh no, again? That’s so scary!

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Uniquity said

Okay, as someone who has yet to have credit card issues but certainly couldn’t afford it, that puts the damper on my tea buying. Hopefully you reach a positive conclusion soon.

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Ost said

I mean, considering it happened twice now after I’ve ordered from a specific company, I feel sure that that’s what it is.
I just don’t want to give out the name to everyone because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s business!
Just make sure you guys are checking your bills basically.
The tea companies are run by fantastic people and it’s not them to really blame. It’s more of the system that they have that’s the problem.
So I’d rather just stick with saying, make sure and check your bills!

I use Wells Fargo personally, and they are great at looking for sketchy charges on your account. But I’m not sure how well other banks do that!

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boychik said

So sorry. maybe you should contact a company and let them know their system is hacked. Most of the time I order I use Paypal. I feel safer w/Paypal. I don’t enter cc info. Does any one had a problem w/Paypal?

Ost said

My mum actually mentioned that today. I might start doing that. It’s a good idea! Thanks for mentioning it!

I buy tea with paypal too.

I tend to only buy tea using paypal. Definitely feels much safer to me.

I’ve been hacked, someone used my credit card through paypal – However paypal was super good and refunded me in like 24 hours.

My credit card company said the chargeback would take 6 months, luckily it was through paypal technically. But yeah, when I buy off anything off a new site it’s with paypal or forget it.

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Lala said

Have you notified this tea company that this has happened? They would hopefully respond with improving their security.

Ost said

I am not sure how much they could improve on it. But might try and email them soon. Just need to not come off wrong or anything ><

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darby select said

I’m curious as this has happened to me twice this year!

Ost said

Oh No! I’m sorry :/

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Tealizzy said

It also happened twice to me in the last year and I’ve not been exactly sure which site, but I have an idea. Ost, could you send me a PM with the company?

Ost said

yeah sure. I will PM you.

Jillian said

I actually had something similar happen recently (twice in two months!) so if you could pm me the tea company I’d appreciate it.

If you could PM me too, because I also had the same thing happen and it was a new tea site I shopped at recently.

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Mandy said

I say definitely email them. It’s the companies responsibility to protect its buyers from this kind of thing. Either they don’t know, or they know and aren’t doing anything about it. If that’s the case then they dont deserve customers if they aren’t keeping them safe. It doesn’t matter how good or cheap or what ever. And if they did know, the first thing they should have done was shut down their systems until they can fix what ever security problems they have. It’s been at least two months, they’ve had plenty of time to fix it. You’re the consumer, you have the power, and there’s better companies out there that wont allow your CC info to be stolen.

Ost said

Good point. I think I will definitely contact the company.

Dustin said

I second letting them know. I’d want to know if it was my company that was getting hacked for user info so I could do something about it. They need to address this problem.

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Denny said

Man that really puts a damper on things.

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You can always get a prepaid credit card to use online, or a PayPal debit card that is not linked to your bank account. I think Discover still offers temporary alternate card numbers if you already have a card with them.

Sorry to hear this happened. I had a similar experience with a magazine company.

Ost said

Oh really? Huh..I will have to look into that!

Not many places take Discover though. So try Visa or Mastercard.

Lala said

The other option is to get a credit card that has a really low limit. A few hundred dollars, so you can buy what you need, but if it is stolen, they can’t charge too much.

Lynxiebrat said

I have a prepaid Paypal card associated with Mastercard. I rarely keep much on it for reasons like these and it’s been great in this past year that I’ve had it. Before I got it, I used Visa gift cards which was nice but had trouble finding ones that were reloadable and plus there seemed to be plenty of sites that didn’t accept it.

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