How Do I Set Up A Tea Swap?
I am new to this site but I have a ton of tea that I can trade. How do I go about setting up a tea swap with someone? Thank you for any help you can give me.
John Romano
Good question! I have never swapped either, but am curious. Also how do you pack the teas? Little ziplocs? Does it make the tea have a plastic smell? Do minty teas or strong smelling ones need to be packed differently? Thanks for the help!
I generally just do small ziploc baggies, sometimes I’ll double bag them. For smelly teas like chai, it helps a lot to wrap it in foil after you bag it.
I haven’t found any plastic smell in swap teas, but sometimes the dry smell of the tea itself can be weak if it’s been in a thin baggie for a while.
These look nice too, no clear side
A while back I got a Tea ‘gift from somebody’. If there is anybody out there that could use a little kick start on making their tea cupboard I’d be happy to pass on the flavor. -pun intended. Just let me know if you want some free tea!
I am definetly interested in from free tea Zach. Please let me know what I have to do.
I could use just this! A kickstart to help me fill up my cupboard more and diversify my palette and tealog. Let me know what you can do, thanks!
I do!! Just getting started with loose leaf tea after years of tea bags and it’s a whole new world! I could use a kick start!
Im a poor college student wanting to build her cupboard, are you still offering? I drink loose and bags
Rock – usually just list what you have and what you are looking for in return.
Regular zip locs aren’t great for trading because they aren’t very thick. If you don’t have the original packaging you’ll want to at least double bag teas. If you do a lot if swapping maybe pick up some thicker bags (most people recommend 4 mil or better thick).
Do people always use boxes to trade? Bubble envelopes are much cheaper but I’d be worried the leaves would get crushed.
Is there a cheap place to get small boxes?
Upton tea imports sells some tea “storage” bags as well:
Since I’m in Canada and haven’t been able to find nice bags at a reasonable price, I just double bag using craft bags from the dollar store. Some teas get wrapped in foil as well. I also ship in bubble mailers, because really, $12-20 for a box? I’ll save that for when I plot to overload someone with tea (or other gifty things).
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