-Jessica- said

Tahitian Vanilla

Does anyone know of any teas that contain Tahitian Vanilla? Tazo’s Vanilla Rooibos has it in there, but I would like to find other teas that use that type of vanilla. The Madagascar vanilla and the bourbon vanilla doesn’t really do it for me and I see that those seem to be the most common. Any suggestions? Oh and also preferably a loose leaf version ;-)

5 Replies
Cofftea said

JacquelineM made her own vanilla tea- perhaps you could buy some Tahitian Vanilla. I’m not sure what kind she used.

Cofftea said

OK I looked and she actually used Madagascar vanilla, but I still suggest making it.

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Jessica – I’ve got to find some too. I love a good, hearty vanilla taste. I hate to say it but the Starbucks vanilla syrup is so far the closest I’ve come to a good vanilla flavoring. But i refuse to buy their syrup on principle alone! :)

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Yes, Try it yourself! Get your favorite tea leaves and Tahitian Vanilla and do this:


(scroll down to vanilla tea)

and I heard that http://www.amadeusvanillabeans.com/ (also mentioned in the above link) sells fantastic vanilla beans!

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-Jessica- said

Ooooh thank you JacquelineM, that is a very cool site… I sooooo have to get me some Tahitian Vanilla beans now! :-D

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