khsheehan said

Tea Company Accounts

I’m not really sure if this is an option or not but I think that tea companies should be able to register verified accounts for themselves and the tea they sell. It could make it easy for them to see ratings and discussions on all of their teas as well as being able to give discounts and things to the community. I would gladly go (for example) to [] and see any news from the company and get discounts or see offers from them. If you were to follow that company you could get news and discounts on your dashboard when you login. I’m not sure exactly what else to do with them. Any other ideas?

3 Replies
Jason select said

This should go in the “Which new features do you want the most?” thread (, but I’ll also say that we already have something along these lines planned.

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khsheehan said

Oh, sorry about that. Glad to hear it though.

Jason select said

No worries :)

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