PSA Fauchon at tjmaxx group stores again!
(Not affiliated)
Fauchon tea has once again landed at Tjmaxx family stores! I can only speak for the states (and I’m in Maryland) but it seems pretty spread out just in my area.
Between 2 separate Home Goods and a TjMaxx, I’ve seen:
Apple tea
Pear tea
Sweet almond and orange
Peach and thyme
Earl grey
At my area stores, they are $9.99.
If you’re local, this includes:
The Frederick, MD
Olney, MD Homegoods
And the Olney TJMaxx
Hope this helps someone!
Hah. Well I bought the ones I thought I would like, and you’ll likely get some if you’re after me in a traveling tea box.
I’ll go check TJ Maxx on Monday. I hope they have Peche & Thyme and the Sweet Almond one, too!
If anyone is willing, I’ll paypal you for:
Apple tea
Pear tea
Sweet almond and orange
Peach and thyme
Just went to mine and they had an apple tea (I took the pear). If you want I can head back tomorrow and see if they still have that one left.
I’ll take a look in a Raleigh store or 2 tomorrow. Would Marshall’s have them, too? I may be able to get by a Marshall’s this evening.
I am pretty sure Marshalls and max are owned by the same parent company…I work next to a Marshalls…I can check them out after work.
I found 3 sweet almond orange and 2 pear. I’m in NC. Home Goods had none, but TJ Maxx had this pile. I can check a 2nd store later this week, or if this is enough I can send it to you. :)
I was excited to try them myself, but I don’t like oolong or ceylon — at least those that I tried in the TTB.
I think Marzipan is just looking for Peche & Thyme now, but I would be interested in the Sweet Almond Orange. :D
Okey-doke. I’m headed to yoga & then dinner, but I’ll check in later. I can also check the other store if you like. It’s on one of my 2 routes home from work.
The only other one I really want is the Peche & Thyme, but I think miss Marzipan has first dibs on that one. So it’s up to you whether you want to check or not. :)
Woot! Visit all the TJ Maxx/Homegoods! Going on a long roadtrip soon, I wonder how many I will be able to convince my boyfriend to stop at. :D
Thanks for the PSA. I made a quick trip to my closest store and they only had two roses, one pear and one apple. I thought about getting the rose, but I already have some rose scented teas so I picked up the pear instead. I just brewed up a cup and can’t decide whether or not I like it. There are a few other TJ Maxx/Homegoods stores around so I think I’ll check those out and see if they have the peach and thyme which I really want to try.
Hmm, actually after finishing the cup I’m kind of disappointed. It tastes like sucking on a green apple jolly rancher while drinking a cup of tea. The tin is adorable though.
None at my local TJMAXX. Only stuff like Touch Organic, Pukka, and “Calm Down and Carry On” or something along those lines. They did have quite a few bags of Starbucks coffee for $5.99, but that’s the sale price at the grocery store, so not very compelling given that they expire in a few months.
Oh sorry, I hope that the mention of coffee will not be misinterpreted as treachery!
Ohh… Gonna have to scout out the little TJMax near me to see if they’ve got any. Likely not, but may be worth the time to stop and see. Thanks for sharing your find.
Sadly, it has not appeared yet near me, but I remember last time, there were some sightings in the States and then we had the great Canadian Fauchon invasion. Fingers crossed.
Is there any regular place where Fauchon can be purchased? lol
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