Ode to tea contest-Ended-Winners Announced
Since contests are so fun, and I have too much tea, I am holding a contest
Ode to tea
To enter use your writing skills to tell us about tea. It can be a poem, a short story, a joke, whatever you would like. There is no theme limit other than tea, they can be funny, serious, informative, touching…
I will select the ones (2) I like best
Please submit entries by August 1, 2010
Winners will be announced after I get a chance to review all entries.
The winners will get a random selection, my choice, of at least 4 different teas, and at least 2 ounces of tea total. Please note if there are things you don’t like so I can try and avoid them (green tea, rooibos, etc) if you win.
Can they be funny true experiences? FataliTEAS can be a riot… if they aren’t yours lol.
Ok, here’s my funny tea story. (Everything written below is the 100% honest truth.)
One of the few teas that my husband actually loves is chai. During the colder months we make a LOT of it…traditional stovetop preparation only. That’s how we roll. (And it makes the house smell wonderfully spicy.) So, we finished straining out our chai and didn’t think too much of the pot in which we made it in. My husband cleaned up the kitchen later that night, and all was well.
I have been graced with a husband that loves to cook, and came home to him making dinner. I do not take this for granted, just so ya know. (I only like cooking when the mood hits me.) For one of the side dishes, he made macaroni and cheese. Nothing fancy this time…just good ole mac and cheese. Cool. So, we sit down to eat and I take a bite of each item. I went back to the mac and cheese. It tasted…funny. There were a lot of black specks in it. Black pepper? Lots of pepper? A peppercorn? What? Is that piece of freakin’ cardamom???
Yes folks, it’s chai macaroni and cheese! This is what happens when you do not rinse the chai pot before you stick it in the dishwasher. Lovely bits and pieces of chai lacquer themselves on until you REALLY wash the dish. Which he didn’t. He’s a guy. But I think I’ll keep him. Despite our love of chai, “Chai Macaroni and Cheese” isn’t too great. We dumped the rest. Being the odd couple that we are, several songs were created on the spot to commemorate the event. Mostly, they were composed of the same words…just sung in different styles. We had the “Chai Macaroni and Cheese” gangsta rap. The rousing gospel choir rendition (my personal favorite) of “Chai Macaroni and Cheese”, complete with rhythmic hand clapping and mopping of the forehead. Anyway, that’s us. A day in the life.
We laugh, we love…we drink tea.
I’ve made green tea easy mac. He should have said it was intentional, then it would have just been a culinary flop- not a culinary idiot moment:) I woulda thought chai mac & cheese woulda been good. :(
Lena first off I am jealous that your hubby cooks! Then you just HAD to rub it in that he washes the dishes TOO (or at least he loads the dishwasher). ;)
Do you want links, or just post the stuff on here?
links will work fine if you can link to a specific item in your blog for example
Sipping Moments
Spirits, oh
Up to my chest
Hope you don’t mind multiple submissions :P
Another true and funny (and kinda gross story):
About 4 or 5 months ago, after my daily chai habit had started, I told mom we were really low on fat free milk for my chais so she looked and said there was almost a full one in there. Then… it dawned on me… for the past couple days (2, 3, who knows) I’d been using the OLD milk… I mean seriously. We have bad luck w/ milk turning even before the sell by date so don’t ask me how it managed to not taste or look funky or how I managed to not get sick…
I have a similar story… The other day I made some bagged chai tea and I wanted to add milk. The milk we had in the fridge was relatively old so I smelled it and it smelled fine so I poured it into my tea. Apparently it wasn’t fine because there were little chunks of milk floating in my tea – ick!! I think the milk frozen and separated because it was in the back of the fridge. Needless to say I dumped out the tea :(
Here’s my poem about tea!!
The steaming water awakens
Tea leaves that release an intoxicating aroma,
As boiling water melts away the problems of the day,
While the cup is full of fragrant liquid,
Time is all for me,
There is no work here, no school, no stress,
All there is here,
Is this perfect cup of tea,
All there is in the world,
Is this small amount of time,
That is mine and mine alone.
threewhales – haiku http://threewhales.blogspot.com/
JMKauftheil – http://imdead-goaway.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d1dqsyp
Thank you very much for sharing with me Cofftea, Caitlin and LENA it was great fun for me, I hope you all had fun seeing everyone’s odes to tea as well!
Winners please PM me your address and what kinds of tea you really don’t like if any.
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