SpecialTea Brew ---tips anyone?
Hello all the Tea lovers of the world! I have started my own online Tea business and am wondering if any of you have any tips on marketing for it? How do you get the ball rolling on a customer base other than just family and friends? I have a semi small inventory at the moment but have very high quality teas from (teas etc) that I am selling as well as some great accessories. Check out my website :) http://www.specialteabrew.com
thanks so much and happy tea brewing everyone :)
Brew what you love, and love what you Brew!
You know, I would love to sponsor you on my site!
I mainly only do indie film makers, but as I love tea, and we are both starting out, I would have no problem telling my fans about your tea! :D
It might make you a few sales. Can’t make any promises tho….
(keep in mind I am just a small vlogger, ect..)
My site is http://www.catsaredoom.com
jHblamo I just emailed you , looking forward to “sponsoring” eachothers sites :) thanks again.
Hblamo :) this sounds great, I can then also put you on my site as well :) I would love to send you some of my tea so you know what you are “sponsoring” :0)
Get some of the tea review sites to review you. Like http://www.itsallabouttheleaf.com/
I can’t view the website! Is anyone else having problems with it? I clicked the link above and then I also googled it and clicked that link, but neither are working for me :-(
no i have not had anyone tell me they cant get to it :( I just tried and it is working fine… hmmmm
one of my other friends actually cant get on my site from her work computer. Very odd, I need to figure out why this happens to people. Thanks for the heads up Jessica
Yea, I had a similar problem with one of my clients websites… For like the first week she couldn’t get to her site… (The internet is a strange mistress…)
try the website “is it down for everyone or just me” – also try recording their ISP and state and browser
that is a cool site! I just tried it and it says “its just me”…. as for recording their ISP and state and browser, where do I do that?
you have to actually ask the user reporting the issue for their state and ISP etc – but it can help you detmine if spint is having an issue and everyone else i not
(i work in ecommerce for a living)
also having friends (steepster) to check it out and be willing to report back is always handy for testing :)
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