Butiki Teas 20 Questions Contest-Special Sale for Participants!!!! --Only 1 hour LEFT

209 Replies

Wow, that was a hard one. The other 2 are much easier, I promise.

Sil select said

Feedback: LOVE the idea, hate facebook lol Comments don’t seem to be filtering in order for me but that could just be me.

Me too, they don’t stay in time order.

The default on Facebook is “Top Comments”, so you have to switch it to “Recent Activity”. It is a bit annoying. Would it help if we switched it to Steepster. My only concern is that some of our Facebook friends won’t be able to participate on Steepster.

Sil select said

Yep. Not complaining Stacy heh i love these sorts of things..it’s fun watching people play. I just hate FB :)

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I was in class. When is the next one?

Glad you asked. The next one is in 10 minutes! :)

Drat, only one word off.

That was a close one

I didn’t see the part about ‘India’ being a word in time, and my book called it by another name. When is the next round?

Next round will be late tonight. I’m thinking between 10pm-12pm EST.

That last round was the only one when I was available to play.

Lariel-We still have one more game left. Hopefully you can make that. We will also be offering a special discount to anyone that participated in the game in any way.

Oh, I like discounts. There is something going on this evening that won’t be over in time for me to play the next round. Now I need to find and try some tea from that region.

Lariel-We will be email contestants later with discount info. We do sell a really fantastic Nilgiri Special Frost Oolong, that is delicious. It is also the base of our Maple Pecan Oolong. We do sell a couple other Nilgiri teas as well, but that one is my favorite.

Kaylee said

I don’t think I’ve ever had the straight Nilgiri Oolong, but I enthusiastically vouch for the Maple Pecan Oolong.

How long is the discount good for? I’ve already reached my tea budget for the this month.

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The last game will be played in this thread later tonight. Facebook seems to be difficult.

Mandy said

Yay, trying to follow along on Facebook seemed so complicated haha

Yes, thank you for playing the last one on here! I missed the other three…but I’m excited to be able to play in the upcoming one! :]

facebook was a bit confusing haha

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25 minute warning for the final game

apt said

its been 28 minutes…. horrible custemer service….just kidding haha

Hahaha. I like to wait a little bit after just to make sure everyone is ready.

apt said

many will enter few will win

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One word. Go!

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Kaylee said

is it a place?


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apt said

is it the word tea

hahaha, no

Kaylee said


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apt said

is it a type of tea


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Kaylee said

Is it a type of tea?

Kaylee said



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Kaylee said

is it a flavoring?

nope but kinda yep but not in the way you are thinking

Kaylee said

not helpful!

sorry. ok, technically yes-ish

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