The Steepster Birthday Thread
October 13th!
I’m kinda surprised. Only one April birthday!? Nearly half my friends are April babies!
The middle of November is the most popular time for birthdays – nine months after Valentine’s day! :3 I wonder what happens nine months before April… Anything?
I can name quite a few friends who were born mid-November!
Huh. 9 months before.. that’d be mid-February.. hmm.. Nope, doesn’t ring a bell! February totally doesn’t have any holidays that center around love and hearts. None whatsoever.
My sisters is November 15th. Right on the dot, I had made the connection once a couple years ago, and when I told her, she was just like yep, in the backseat of a van. Apparently she had already figured it out and asked. XD
Hahaha oh that’s so funny! Backseat of a van, how romantic :‘) I’d love to be a Valentine’s baby, it would make for a good story(:
What a great idea!! . Birthdays are such a happy celebration!
Mine is also December 17 :]
This is cute (:
My birthday is the 24th of June, less than a week until my teenage years are over! D:
Happy belated birthday!
Yay, first official Steepster birthday on madametj’s calendar!!
Happy birthday Nattie, hope you have a great day :-)
First of all, happy late birthday! :) I think this is a great idea. Mine is on Sept 15th :P
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