The Official Tea Justice League

117 Replies
carol who said


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(omg this thread)

I suppose my alignment is neutral: I like hibiscus (by itself, iced – most excellent for menstrual cramps) and bergamot and lavender, and I don’t like artificial flavors and licorice (shudder).

Might I suggest an arch-nemesis that’s a company? Lipton. Also, Lipton iced tea.


Arshness said

Weirdly I had two cups of Lipton in the TTB I just sent off that were awesome.

Teabags are a real issue tho. Do you know the history of them? It’s kinda hilarious really.

Ahhh to each their own :]

You know, that makes me think that I should brush up on my tea history.

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I am a weirdo. I absolutely hate coconut.

Kaylee said

Amen. Can’t stand it.

I like it sometimes, but only in black tea. Used sparingly.

yyz said

No your not. Although I like some coconut teas, I think in general it’s overused. It’s also quick to go stale and I generally dislike toasted coconut.

Arshness said

I despise coconut too. Is it evil or just… not good? I don’t know.

It’s not evil, just a bit greedy about territory sometimes.

Captain Coconut is my occasional ally against the evil licorice root.

Uniquity said

Coconut is awful. I’ve learned over time that I’m not alone in this belief, yet it shows up in flavoured teas nearly as often as hibiscus, I swear!

Since I love ground almonds and really dislike coconut flavor, I wonder if marzipan and coconut exist at opposite ends of some sensory spectrum….

mj said

NO! I defend coconut! We are total besties. But I also love almonds and marzipan.

I love you too!

mj said

AHAHAHAHA. Thank you for loving me even though I am sometimes allied with evil (hibiscus, lavender, COCONUT)

coconut shouldn’t even be used in shampoo. It should be relegated to the confines of Hawaiian Tropics Tanning products. GAH!

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I almost never drink flavor-added teas, so I don’t have strong feeling towards any of them. Still, What a GREAT ‘discussion’ you started, Arshness! WhO cOUld’t UsE A lIttlE mOrE hUmOr In thEIr lIvEs, Eh!

Arshness said

Glad to be of service :D

I’m with you SimpliciTea. I seem to burp “flavor added”. after tea i don’t want to be like a can of Glade air freshener…..

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One thing that really bugs me, non- herbal blends that end up having a whole garden or orchard of ingredients. It’s not potpourri. The base tea ends up getting lost among the floral. I like flavoured teas, but it can be simple and still good.

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Jason select said

Love this thread

Arshness said

I’m pretty sure the Admins are cleared for the Tea Justice League.
So, what do you want your superhero name to be, and what are your powers?
Besides starting awesome tea sites of course.

Angrboda said

He’s already got one. The Overlord. :p

Jason select said

Ha, nice.

Arshness said

Awesome. Duly noted.

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carol who said

Oo ooo ooo! I came up with a superhero name for me…. Timelady (as in Romanadvoratrelundar) from Doctor Who. Timelady has the super power to steep a perfect cuppa tea every time!
With this superpower I will be able to remove unloved flavors from tea!
I have trouble deciding on my Villians. For me, Hibiscus and Rose Hips are my main nemesis. Although others dislike Bergamot he is a fond friend. Lord Bergamot and I had a torrid affair but now we are just friends.

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What makes tea evil?

Arshness said


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As Infusion Girl, I’m selective with my flowers/ fruits. My nemesis is hibiscus.

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carol who said

Evil is in the eye of the beholder, or should that be in the “Evil is in the taste buds of the beholder”?

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