Ost said

Ants and Tea?

So, not sure how many of you guys have to deal with ants, but in my house it’s a massive problem all the time. And this last week we’ve had 4 massive ant raids in our kitchen alone.
Which makes me skeptical about my own room getting raided, which is where I keep my tea.
Do ants generally go for tea? Like if it’s a fruity tea? Should i be worried?
Or have none of you guys really dealt with that?
Ants are one of my least favorite things in the world, so maybe I’m just getting paranoid. xD But if anyone has experienced that I’d like to know! Just so I can avoid more of these raids…:/

18 Replies
Tealizzy said

I worried about that in the past too. I keep my teas in large air-tight plastic containers in my kitchen cupboard in the hopes of protecting it against that problem.

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Ost said

I put my teas in ziplocks, and some in tins…and you’d think they’d be enough…but these ants…Oy. They are smart.
So none of them have ever gotten to your teas?

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Tealizzy said

They haven’t found that cupboard yet. Thank goodness!!!

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Dustin said

Depending on the size of your stash, you could get a water proof case like a Pelican case and keep your tea in there. A cooler might have a decent seal too. I have read that if you lay down some corn meal, the ants eat it and their stomachs explode, killing them. Or if you know where the mound they are coming from it, you can pour boiling water over it. Or if you want to be artsy, pour molten aluminum down the hole. http://www.anthillart.com/
We have fire ants in Texas, so I don’t mess around.

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darby select said

I’ve never had a problem with them getting in to tea. Have you heard of Terro? It’s an ant killer that they eat and take back to their colony. You’ll get a million ants at first coming to drink and then they’ll all be gone. I’ve used all my life and it works!

this ant stuff is the bomb! Totally gross watching them go crazy on it, but after a few days the ants start dying.

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Yeah, that time of year right? The ants are trying to march in my house again. I had my first invasion a few weeks ago and I sprayed down all the windows, electrical plates, and doors. So far so good. The Terro traps are pretty amazing too.

However, they seem to stay clear of my teas. I also package everything in tins, locking tupperware, and jars. My teas are also not in the kitchen, away from food.

More often my ant highway has pit stops in my tea kettle – I guess for a water source, plus its in the path in the kitchen to the sink. With that said, I always rinse out my kettle before use to make sure I don’t get ant tea.

Ost said

I haven’t had to deal with ants being in my tea yet…but they definitely end up in the coffee…which is worse because I never notice till I already put creamer in…0_0

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Grrrlhowdy said

Knock on wood, they have stayed away from my teas (kept in tins or the ziplock sacks they arrive in), though they are all over the cabinets on the other side of the kitchen, where the honey, etc., is. I hate them. Hate, hate, hate.

Ost said

Well good to know they don’t just go to that…I’m really hoping they don’t make their way over to my room. They haven’t come to my room for a couple of years…need that streak to keep going xD

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Jillian said

They haven’t tried coming into my place but there’s always tons of ants around outside. Borax works pretty well for killing them and it’s always important to stay on top of cleaning up crumbs and spills in your kitchen and not bringing food into other parts of the house.

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Amy Alice said

I hate ants because they eat all my favorite teas and make my place dirty.I do n’t know how to store my teas so that ants can n’t enter .I am using airtight jars still they are coming do n’t know guys what to do. :(

Ost said

Ohhh storm it. 0_0 Well I’ll have to find a safer place for my tea then.

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just-me said

Concerning the problem with ants,we were sitting on the patio and left a cup of camomile tea with a little sugar on the table Next to a cup of regular tea with a little sugar overnight, the next morning I found there were dozens of ants had drown in the tea with chamomile, could it be the chamomile cause the ants to fall asleep and drown?

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