Small Big traveling Tea Box - US only for now (In hiatus - waiting)
Going to post a list of tea tomorrow 6/13. If you all see anything in my cupboard you want to try that’s not in the box let me know =]
Coming from the person who wants to try ALL THE TEA…
I REALLY want to try Della Terra Pineapple Upside Down Cake, but I figure even if I say “hey put some of that in there” it may not stay in until it gets to me, right?
O___O >_> __ That was my facial expression just now. And why? Because I thought to myself… “I have pineapple upside down cake?” And then I realized no … I used to … but then I gave it away in a trade. I will update that. My apologizes.
Hahahaha XD Yeah seriously. I’m going to have to order that. WAS IT GOOD?? SHOULD I GET IT??
It was an interesting blend. Worth trying. But Ive never had that type of cake before so I didnt know what to compare it with
Arshness I just ordered some Pineapple Upside Down Cake yesterday, and I’d be happy to swap some with you when I get it. :)
Ok Let’s see if this works. I made the list public and editable by anyone. There is a journal below the list for anyone who receives the box and wishes to write something.
Because it is public its possible for others outside of us to mess with it so I’ll always keep a back up just in case.
FYI, there’s an option for “Anyone who has the link can edit”. IT’s best to go with that. :)
Not that I think this one doc will be found and messed with by outsiders. Needle in haystack.
Thank you! I read over that option to quickly before so I mis-read it. I changed it to that… just in case.
Is there going to be a hard copy as well? In the past we haven’t done electronic because for many of us, our kitchens and computers are on different floors of the house.
It might become quite cluttered if I print out a copy so I was thinking if people prefer to print it off they can. Just have to make sure to keep the online one up to date.
Will you be revising the order for geography? Or just a first sign up first get box order?
Yup! It will go out to either the west or east coast first and then go around the country. I think I found it easiest to go west first, but it will depend on if anyone else signs up.
Hey, I think I’m gonna have to back out. It’s a lot of people, and I’m gonna be super busy in the fall, and it will probably get to me in the fall instead of summer since all the people xD
But yeah, anyway, have fun you guys! (:
I looked at the map and who we have and I think it would be better to have it go west coast first. I could have you third in line if you want. I’ll post the list right now actually
I’ve posted the list. I have it going around the country starting at the west coast. If for some reason anyone else wants it earlier please post here and we can update the order.
It would be best for me to receive it before August as my brother is coming to visit from California for two weeks and I expect to be very busy during that time. Not sure how long it would be expected to take to get to me tho, so I dunno if it’s a problem as is or not. :) If you don’t want to order me a bit earlier, we can just see how fast it moves and if it looks like it might land during that time we could make a swap in order?
For now lets see if it will get to you before then and if not we will change the order by july…um 12th?
EvaGrimm send me your address when u get the chance. Im following you… boy does that sound creepy lol
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