Live Streaming of Tea & Wine Pairing Event with Samovar and Gary V - Tuesday!

Hi Steepsterites!

At Samovar we’re really excited to host a premier Tea and Wine Pairing event at our Tea Lounge at Yerba Buena Gardens this Tuesday at 2pm PT.

Tea and wine. Does that sound strange? There are actually many similarities in flavor profiles and in the connoisseurship of both beverages.

So we’re thrilled to host this event, in which Jesse will be pairing teas and wines with Gary V from Wine Library TV ( It’s the first of its kind, to our knowledge!

Better yet, we’ll be streaming the event live from our website this Tuesday, 2pm Pacific Time. Just tun in at to join in.

Also, if you’re in the Bay Area, you can reserve your spot to join the event in person. Check out our website for more information on how to RSVP.

We hope to see you there, whether in-store or online!

-The Samovar team

11 Replies
Jason select said

Sounds like a cool event!

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To the International People, the event starts at 22:00 GMT.

Then you just have to add or remove hours, depending on where you are.
If you don’t know what Time Zone, your country are in, then you can find out here:
Just find your country, click at it, scroll down to the yellow box, there you can see it.

If your Time Zone is GMT +2 (Summer Time), like here in Denmark, you just have to add two hours to the 22:00 GMT, then you’ll get 00:00.

If your Time Zone is GMT -2, you just have to remove two hours from the 22:00 GMT, then you’ll get 20:00.

I hope this will help you International People, like me. :-)

So here in Denmark, the event will start at 00:00 GMT +2 (Summer Time).

How long will the event take?

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Hi Kasper,
Thanks for sharing the time-conversion info! The tasting should last about one hour. We look forward to having you tune in!

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That sounds good!

I’ll be ready with a cup of Tea and my laptop on the legs, for watching this event live on the web. :-)

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Spencer said

This sounds really great! Is there any chance this event will be recorded? I would love to see it, but I have work at that time of the day…

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Hi Spencer,
Yes, we’ll be posting it to our YouTube page after the event is over! Hope you can check it out later on:

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I’m watching it live on!

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That was a really great Tea-tasting show!
You have to do that more often! :-)

So glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for tuning in :)

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Ricky said

Pass it to the second row!

I noticed you didn’t sell the glass gaiwan on your website :(

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Hi Ricky, thanks for watching!
We sell the glass gaiwans in the tea lounges – if you’re interested you can buy it directly from there – just email us your contact info! [email protected]

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