Tea Websites With Rewards Programs
Websites with rewards programs:
http://www.52teas.com (purchases)
http://www.adagio.com (purchases, reviews, social media shares, friend referrals)
http://www.arborteas.com (purchases, recipe submissions, reviews)
http://www.bobateadirect.com (purchases, friend referrals)
http://www.davidstea.com (purchases)
http://www.divinitea.com (purchases, likes, friend referrals)
http://www.mightyleaf.com (purchases, referrals)
http://www.persimmontreetea.com (purchases, reviews, friend referrals)
http://www.puerhshop.com (purchases)
http://www.redleaftea.com (reviews)
http://www.taooftea.com (purchases)
http://www.teaforte.com (purchases, referrals)
http://www.teafromtaiwan.com (purchases)
http://www.teavivre.com (purchases, reviews)
http://www.theteaspot.com (purchases)
http://www.yunnansourcing.com (purchases)
http://yunomi.us (purchases, reviews)
http://www.zentealife.com (purchases, reviews, friend referrals)
Any others? Let me know if I made any errors! :P
Arbor Teas (USDA organic): http://www.arborteas.com/pages/rewards-points.html
The Tao of Tea – Frequent Leaf Program: http://www.taooftea.com/index.php
Verdant: http://verdanttea.com/
Zen Tea Life: http://zentealife.com/rewards/
What’s up with these reward points? What are they good for?
If you click “My Account” from the top navigation bar and log in, you’ll see a section that says “My Rewards” with the options “View Details” and “Redeem”. You can redeem your points for gift certificates good for anything on the site by (you guessed it) clicking “Redeem”. You can also see a history of the points that have been rewarded to you by clicking “View Details”. You get one point for every dollar you spend on products. Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. (That’s my official CYA lingo insert thingy there; I wouldn’t sweat it too much.)
www.yunomius.com Also do rewards.
Earn points valued at 5% of your order total (excluding shipping) whenever you shop on Yunomius. (Points finalized when your order ships.) Redeem points when you shop! 1 point = $0.01, and a minimum of 500 points is necessary for redemption. Earn 100 points when you sign up for Yunomius. Earn an additional 50 points for each product review submitted.
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