Tea Mug of the Day
My choice today is this set of four tea cups, each with a different graphic flowing design inspired by cirrus clouds. http://amzn.to/1mrDN9q
My mug of the day: http://37.media.tumblr.com/b9fe8758e6b17ac59470e1699170dc96/tumblr_n4kbj0Byym1qb5hi3o1_500.jpg
And it turned into this:
I shed a couple tears since that was my first purchase as a WDW CM, but luckily I start up with Disney in less than a month so the second I get my ID, that mug will be my first purchase as a DLR CM :)
Bummer. That sucks so much. But at least you’ll be able to buy a new one. And you can always glue the broken one back together to use as a pencil holder or something. ^^
I feel like it’s been broken into too many pieces to actually keep its hold :/ Ahh well, my sister is very crafty so I’ll probably just give it to her and she can turn it into something nice :)
That is an AMAZING mug — I didn’t see it anywhere else! Um, can you translate what a WDW CM and a DLR CM mean?
Guessing Walt Disney World Cast Member, and Disney Land (Resort?) Cast Member.
Nah. That’s nothing. If you use superglue there’ll be no problems with it keeping together. I’ve glued ceramic that was smashed into more pieces than that. ^^
Oh man, I know the pain of a broken mug. Especially one so awesome! Good thing it’ll be replaced soon!
Hahha yeah Marzipan is right!
I just use those abbreviations because writing out the whole thing is just a bit too much.
And Shadowfall, I actually did superglue it back together! Definitely not perfect, but at least I can use it for something :) Roommate was making fun of me because I got superglue on my fingers and she came home from work with my hands soaking in a bucket hahah
Today’s TMOTD is a Web-savvy design piece, from the Art Lebedev Studio. See the atsign (@) merging from handle into cup? Apparently the design also distributes the weight more evenly across your hand. http://amzn.to/1jMT5oR There is also a 2.0 version: http://bit.ly/1k5DiRy.
I think I’m going to have to get this one. It grabs me. And now I have a new vocabulary word: Anamorphic.
To match the TPOTD today:
I love this design for a cappucino cup and saucer — I’d have a wee bit of tea in it!
I saw a picture of this one on instagram and had to share. Disney mugs are so cute!
I’ve been eyeballing this one for a little while, but the red is out of stock. Darn. I was hoping to add it on to a Zen order during their sale.
This is my cup for the day. The blue one.
Have you seen this one? http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E9EPDHS/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=37RE1B6CHFRRH&coliid=I26HKH3M6LJC0S
Ohhhh, I REALLY like that pink one. I saw a bunch of those novelty strainers at CPWorld Mkt but I am afraid they don’t let the leaves open up enough. I liked the one that was a yellow submarine.
All together now! We all live in a yellow submarine. A yellow submarine. A yellow submarine.
These are cool and tentacle-y too.
Linked from: http://www.reddit.com/r/tea/comments/25si8x/my_new_tea_bar/
Marzipan: “Full speed ahead, Mr. Parker, full speed ahead!”
And I like those tentacle-y mugs. They have a real shiver-inducing effect!
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