Custom tea storage shelf?

Does anyone have a special shelf or some sort of furniture especially to store your tea collection?

If you were to design one, what would it look like?

I’d love to see photos of such a thing. My dad thinks he could build me a wall mounted tea shelf but I’m having a hard time deciding how big/how many shelves etc.

When googling photos I didn’t have much luck.

I skimmed through the old thread of stash photos, but maybe most people just store their tea in drawers or cupboards…..I don’t have a ton of space in my poorly designed kitchen and would love a shelf to show off my pretty tea tins :)

23 Replies

I have this weird thing that if I don’t see things, I don’t remember them. So I keep my tea out where I can see it, organized in baskets and on shelves.

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I don’t have a custom shelf persay. But I did put up shelves specifically in my kitchen to house my tea bins, teapot collection, and frequently used teaware. When I’m actually on a computer and not my ipad, I’ll post some pictures, though they’re nothing special. Lol.

So like I said, not much, and it’s kinda changing all the time….or rather I’m always adding to it all the time. Lol!
- – I put this shelf up in the nook above my sink. I found a precut shelf kit at Home Depot that just fit perfectly there. I need to find more of the hooks on Ebay though so I can hang the mugs I keep finding. ^^
- – Another precut shelf kit from Home Depot. Super easy to install.
- – I got these shelves at Ikea for $15 each ($10 for the shelf & $5 for the brackets). I actually have to get one more to put up to the left since I’ve found more teapots….but have run out of room. Lol!

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lolainred said

My fiancé is in the process of designing and building a shelf for our tea and teaware…. not finished yet, but I will definitely link a picture when we finish it.

I had this weird built in radio on my kitchen wall that we are building it around and its going to be over my buffet. So it’s going to be pretty custom, but he has some neat ideas about how best to fit everything and still have it look really nice.

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awesome! I would love to see some photos :)

I think I will have to just measure out my tins and kind of decide if I want to display them all or not

I wonder if having a tea tin display shelf will make me more likely to want to buy tins, whereas now I just buy bags because they are cheaper to ship…. hmmm

lolainred said

I try to pretend that looking at the pretty tins doesn’t encourage me to buy bigger quantities… but I’m pretty much just lying to myself.

That’s what I’m afraid of….there’s just something so much nicer about tins!

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boychik said

I use ikea billy bookcase with glass doors.

moraiwe said

I love this! That just screams tea cabinet to me.

boychik said

thank you. i think its reasonably priced

That shelf is absolutely lovely. I love the vine details on the doors.

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I’m planning on something like this when I get the money

The tea would go in drawers for the closed boxes and I imagine that teaware would look lovely in the open spaces.

That’s not a bad idea! Maybe I can incorporate some cubes in my design


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Uniquity said

I used to keep all my tea in a couple DIY style shelves I got from Zellers. That worked BUT I could only ever see or access the front row and it was frustrating to dig through all the tins and bags. When we moved, my aunt and uncle gave us an old piece of furniture that’s been in our family that should probably be a dresser but is the perfect size to hold ALL our tea! So we have a gorgeous old three drawer dresser in our living room, and I put our record player on top with the records in those other shelves on the sides. The top drawer has blacks and puerh, the middle has herbals and T-Sacs and the bottom has everything else. Unsurprisingly, we use the top drawer the most!

lolainred said

I love this. That sounds so functional and charming!


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Angrboda said

We used to have some narrow shelves with a small lip at the front. I think they were actually designed for cd’s but they had an excellent size for my tins and without having to stack them or layer them. I could see all the teas at a glance. Unfortunately our new house doesn’t have a good space for such an arrangement, so now we have a shelf in the kitchen for the every day blacks and the before bed herbals, and the rest in four small drawers in my old dresser. I do miss the tea-shelves, but the loss of them was worth it, buying this house. :)

I like the dresser idea :)

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Katiek said

I ordered this from a person on etsy. They had the basic design, but I customized it with a few touches and had it sized to just fit in an open area in my kitchen. I have some iced tea pitchers on top, some tea in pretty tins on the open shelf, lots of tea on the first shelf in the cabinet area and travel mugs/thermoses and other accessories on the bottom shelf.

Oh that would be handy!

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I use a bookshelf I got cheaply from a charity shop. Granted it looks a little messy and full at the moment it’s not too bad at all, to keep teas together without them falling over (which the packets tend to do) I used old cat food boxes. We buy pouches for our cats so I took the top off the box and the width is perfect for most tea brands. Lots of those sorted per company make it easy to find what I’m after. Could always decorate the boxes with fancy paper if I feel the need.

Hopefully when I move house in a few months I will be able to afford something better, I would love an antique wooden storage unit. But for now that is what I have.

The sort of thing I will look into buying.



Yeah those two you posted would be real sweet to have. Wow.

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