Looking for Grapey Teas!
I didn’t know grape infused tea was what I needed until DAVIDsTEA announced Grape Expectations. Unfortunately, while smelling a lot like grapes, GE didn’t taste much like “purple flavor” which was what I was looking for. I had a sample of Grape Oolong from Teavana and it seemed to be closer to what I want.
Any recommendations?
Lupicia has a few muscat teas (oolong and black, if I’m not mistaken) that have a more authentic grape taste. I know what you mean about the disappointment that was grape expectations—it smells like a grape marker and tastes like slightly grapey grass.
I was also disappointed by Grape Expectations. It wasn’t the worst tea ever, but it wasn’t grapey enough! Thanks for these suggestions!
“slightly grapey grass”
What a great description! That’s exactly what it tasted like. I was so sad :( My expectations were too high, and I knew it even when I was buying it. lol. Thank goodness I only bought 24 g.
They made one for winter three (?) years ago called Through the Grapevine that I loved. I wish it would come back. It was a white base and I found it to be very flavourful without being artificial. I miss it!
Lupicia also has their San Francisco blend Napa Blanc which is white wine and muscat in a green base… if you happen to have a tea mule close to SF.
Culinary Teas has a Canadian Ice Wine that’s very enjoyable. More of a natural red grape flavor than grape Kool-ade
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