Teavana in Indianapolis, IN potentially exposes customers to Hep C
That’s Hep A not C….I think even more deadly!
I had hepatitis A when I was 10, along with my mother and brother. It’s also called infectious hepatitis, and is not so scary. It can cause some permanent liver damage, but is rarely fatal, and you get over it. You can have relapses later if under stress. It is the form of hepatitis which is most often caught in restaurants, as it is passed through feces and saliva, and people can be contagious before coming down with the symptoms. (People with later relapses are not known to be contagious.) The Hep. A virus is not always killed by soaps and handwashing. Dishes must be disinfected with bleach to kill it.
eh. Is there ever any good news about Teavana?
This should be a lesson for all tea swappers and teaboxes. Tea is a food and people can get sick. I just hope everyone is being careful to make swapping and teaboxes as fun as possible! I haven’t been sick at all in at least ten years so I guess I’ve been very lucky all around.
On the radio they said Hep C, but perhaps it was incorrect
I see the online article says Hep A
I just want to bump this post so that more people see it.
This is utterly terrible…
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