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I got a Takeya pitcher cheap from Teavana’s sales, and found a local shop that sells them. They’re ordering me in some accessories! I love that the pitchers seal, since my problem is always knocking them out of my tiny tiny fridge. :) (I should say that I originally saw them at DavidsTea, but that was kind before I got SO INTO tea and thus didn’t buy one there. So. More sources for Takeya = awesome.)
I’m not sure yet, as I’m waiting for prices. Definitely the fruit infuser, and a tea infuser with an extender on it. I’ll probably end up getting a 1 qt jug at some point too.
80% of the new collection is herbal. Interesting.
The summer collection launches May 7! And it is to die for! Lets just say pineapple nordic mug, and colour changing palm trees. The best tea is watermelon mint and shooting star fruit! The teas were definitely designed to be iced though, and Davidstea is trying to appeal to kids thats why 80% are herbal, the theme is tea accessibility for everyone!
A Pineapple Nordic Mug definitely peaks my interest…
I could get behind a pineapple Nordic mug! I hope it is in nice, bright, bold summer colours!!
Crap, out so soon? I should move faster on buying the teaware from the spring collection then!
Wish there were at least some black teas. :(
It’s crazy to think about their summer collection already when it hasn’t been consistently above 50 in Boston for more than 2 days yet!
Sounds pretty good but I’m not sure I’m gonna grab it.
It’s been in 90s here in Florida for a month now
haha man what I’d give to live in Boston xD It’s been in the 100s a few times here in SoCal, doesn’t usually do that till the end of May xD
Summer should start in June!
I kinda like that their collections start early. Canadian weather is unpredictable at best and varies all across the country. Somewhere in Canada it may already feel like summer. If so, I want to move there.
Actually, I can’t complain. Today is beautiful in my part of NS. Rain for the next week though. :(
It feels like summer today in Vancouver! Yesterday I had a break and ran around the forest for a bit.
The reason they are releasing the summer teas early is because they are doing two launches not just one! So this is just phase 1. Plus it will be nice to get out of the spring stuff, it’s a good change!
TWO summer launches? Uh oh. I hope I can rein in my teaware addiction. :)
Haha, its crazy! The second launch is amazing, think a night at the carnival.
Omg stop teasing us!! I want to know everything nooooowwwww! do you know when the next launch is?
Sadly I have no idea when launch two is, were thinking beginning of August. I’ll keep you updated though!
Thanks for clarifying. I was wondering why Spring was being cut so short!
Hoping to make my first trip to Davids this week! I have yet to try any of their teas.
If you love flavored teas, you’ll love them. They have a variety for everyone. The tea guides are very talented at finding what suits your needs. I always recommend buying a drink to get a full try of something!
I do love flavored teas…especially flavored blacks. Any suggestions?
A few. :)
Glitter & Gold is one of my favorites. It’s a very sweet twist on chai with gold and silver sugar crystals that sparkle as they steep.
For fruity tea, I lean toward Blueberry Jam or Superberry (going out of stock).
The tea of the month (Chocolate Macaroon) is also a black tea. I’ve only had a sampler, but it’s pretty great! :)
Thanks! The glitter and gold one sounds yummy…and I love just about anything blueberry:) Just need to figure out a day I can make it down to the city:)
My favorite is Fantasy Island (coconut and raspberry). I also LOVE Red Velvet Cake and Buttered Rum, they’re both staples on my shelf.
I definitely recommend trying pumpkin chai when it comes back in September. And from their regular collection I really like Love tea #7 and fantasy island for this time of year.
Thanks, for all the suggestions guys:). I am difinitely excited to try their teas:)
Honestly… not much looking forward to many of these (Sangria being the one exception). We just did super fruity teas with the spring, why not spice it up a little? Double unfortunately for me, most of these are made with fruits I don’t like. :(
Oh well, I can always split the collection with my partner; he tends to love any sort of tea, so anything I don’t like, he’ll consume!
One thing I would like to see is a double release for each season – the 5 fruity blends and a couple straight teas as well. I know the focus is on flavoured at Davids but I was talking with one of the employees yesterday who mentioned a store that sold a LOT of straight tea. I think enhancing both sides of the collection would help them keep experienced tea drinkers longer as well as those who are new to tea.
I’ve actually heard that they plan to expand on their straight oolongs this year. Hopefully it works out.
I imagine it’s harder to keep straight teas in stock due to growing cycles and issues with individual plantations/producers, as opposed to flavored teas where most any variety of green will do to make Movie Night.
That’s a good point. They wouldn’t be able to keep the same straight teas in stock all the time but they embrace limited editions with the seasonal teas so it is feasible. Different model though, but they do make changes sometimes. :-)
I don’t like mango…and it seems to be in a lot of these teas.
They tend to do more fruity teas for spring/summer, and then more spicy/sweet teas for the fall/winter collection. I know with the summer collection they are always pushing making tea accessible to kids and such, which is why most of these are herbal. I tend to like the summer ones because my husband and I drink a lot of iced teas, but my favorite collection every year is the fall. I’m never a big fan of the spring collection because I don’t love fruity teas either.
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