Mariage Freres
I have a friend going to Paris who has offered to pick up tea and ship it to me. What should I absolutely positively not miss?
Ooh, I don’t know, but I’m sure curious to hear any suggestions, as Gentleman and I have a standing invitation to spend the weekend with some friends in Paris and I plan to stock up on tea…
Ok, well it depends on what you like bla bla bla…you know the drill, but here are some I absolutely love:
-chandernagor (chai)
-mous au chocolat (best chocolate tea on the planet, and I hate chocolate in tea)
And although I haven’t tried these ones yet (but have samples of them, woohoo!), I’ve heard good things about Marco Polo and wedding imparial (oh, and I also really like plein lune)
Also, once a year for May Day, they release lilly of the valley teas in white, green, and black versions, and I intend on getting my hands on that also because I feel there aren’t nearly enough florals in the world.
I haven’t tried very many but Bolero and Marco Polo are my favorites.
You need to buy what you like, where your interests lie. Read tasting notes and see what sparks your interest. (even if you don’t like them, I don’t think you’ll have a problem swapping MF teas) :))
So far my wish list is Marco Polo, Cannele, Macaron and Roi Des Earl Grey.
I would suggest prioritizing the teas that you cannot find where you live. I would also suggest going for their newer/limited edition (FF Darjeeling teas, for example) teas rather than their older ones.
Marco Polo is a tea that you can find on many US sites (including Dean and Deluca) and in many higher end supermarkets, so I wouldn’t suggest having a friend ship it from France.
Additionally, if you are into teaware/tea items, this would be a great chance to pick up some truly amazing items! :)
as a French I have the ability to drink easily a lot of Mariage Frères and I reviewed a lot of them. Roi des Earl Grey is a very good choice. If you like EG you can try Aïda as well, kind of EG’s spin off.
For green teas : Thé sur le Nil, thé à l’opéra, Casablanca are generally very appreciated
For black teas : Pleine Lune, Thé de Lune,Rouge d’Automne, Wedding impérial are among my favourite flavoured.
For unflavoured teas : Grand Fancy Oolong is really a hit (at least for y tastes !)
If you tell me what kind of flavours or teas you like I can give you some tea names much related to your tastes
saw on your profile you like :
vanilla : so for sure Vanille des îles, this is a very very great vanilla tea.
Spices : Mandalay (a splendid spicy tea) and Esprit de Noël (Named Noël as well)
Thank you for the suggestions! Are there any important to know things about shipping tea internationally, such a maximum amount?
if your friend can ship in a big envelope rather than in a box it would be really cheaper. There is no maximum amount regarding weight. he/she has to ask for a special little vignette for customs and put the total weight of the shipping. When I am doing swap even with a weight of 300 grams I generally put 0 € as total amount and mark it as a gift.No idea for a bigger weight.
They have a whole series of limited edition Darjeelings. Their Haute Couture series. Problem is, they are rather expensive. As for the 2014 FF Darjeelings, they have 4 listed now with others like Castleton and Jungpana arriving in two weeks. If you are not sure about Darjeelings, then go for their flavored teas. Their Heritage Gourmand teas seem to be popular. If you like Rooibos, then maybe the Nil Rouge.
There are some teas I would want to buy from Mariage Freres just to obtain the containers they come in. The French Summer Tea jars are simply beautiful. Purchasing items can get out of hand and wind up being pretty expensive. i have 4 MF teapots, the whole series laquered containers, several MF mugs, and lots of tea. I am currently drinking their Vintage 2012 Darjeeling tea. Even after two years from picking the flavor and taste of the tea is still incredible. As it should be being the best out of the best 2012 teas.
There is just so much to choose from.
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