Verdant tea

59 Replies
CelebriTEA said

I wish they had a spot within driving distance for me
((So very jealous))
I love their blends…

I’d take any good tea shop in easy driving distance to us :)

CelebriTEA said

LOL…me too, but I love Verdant’s Blend Of The Month Club

Thank you, CelebriTEA! Once we finish up our projects here in Minneapolis, it sure would be fun to expand… ;) I’m glad you can still be part of the fun with the blend club.

@Suziqzer – until a tea spot opens near you, we’re happy to be your excuse to visit the Twin Cities! It sure is a gorgeous place to be in the Spring and Summer… beautiful lakes and parks, great biking and hiking, fantastic restaurants ;) and, of course – Verdant Tea HQ!

mj said

Lily Duckler, you should add a location on the East bank U of MN campus! I think it would do really well. Well, at least I would be there ALL THE TIME. There is a tea place on campus, but it’s “meh” at best and yet it’s always packed.

The UofM area would be great, for sure! It will be very interesting to look back in just a few years to see with our tea house project takes us. It’s been almost a year so far (it will be our 1 year anniversary on July 1st), and so far the experience has been amazing.

Luckily until we can expand, the East Bank is just a short hop, skip and a jump from Seward – you can always pop over on the Franklin bridge (or 122 or 35 to Washington), and you’ll be right in the neighborhood. If it weren’t for 94, we’d be right in the middle of Augsburg campus and the East Bank.

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CelebriTEA said

I would LOVE to visit Minneapolis, but driving is consider to be 9 1/2 hours one way
& airline tickets $400…shucks…maybe one of these days (sigh)

I do love the blend club and would encourage anyone else to join :-)
But, we would love for you to expand to this neck of the woods…
Indianapolis would be a fab market (wink)
even Chicago is not too far for a road trip…

Sounds like a long road trip! They can be fun, but you do have to plan it out with plenty of good stops along the way. Thanks for the tip on Indianpolis ;) I do love exploring more great cities across the US!

CelebriTEA said

LOL…no problem… would love to see you grow our way ;-)

Lynxiebrat said

I would suggest Ann Arbor, Michigan in the future, but there are already a few good tea places here and nearby that would give stiff competition. I don’t know how much you would put those factors into consideration. A2 is a college town, home to Univ.Of Michigan.

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CelebriTEA.. I don’t believe I’ve had anything from Verdant yet. I’ll keep the recommendation in mind. Another vote for Indy. ;)

Lily.. Thanks for the invite to visit one of your stores. We haven’t decided where we are going on our road trip this summer, but if we happen to be near one of your locations you can be sure I’ll stop by :)

Thank you, Suziqzer – we’d love to see you. I love recommending MN in the summer time – it’s definitely one of the hidden seasonal secrets of the country. So far, we just have our first location in Minneapolis – it will be interesting to see how we grow and change in the next few years!

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CelebriTEA said

Are you coming with your hubby to meet my Dad tomorrow?
If so, I will bring at least a couple of Verdant samples…
A certified Tea Aficionado should try at least several Verdant Teas
…lol…. I love Verdant

Yes, I’ll be there with him. We have some errands to run afterward.

Thanks for the offer of the samples. I always love something new to try.

CelebriTEA said

Thanks for the swap…it was great meeting you :-)

Thanks to you too! We enjoyed meeting you and your dad.

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Hey local Steepster friends!!

I want to be the first to invite you all to come to a special Tea Tasting this Monday afternoon (April 28th) at 3pm. David will be conducting a free tasting at the big community table of our NEW Spring Tea!

Yes – that’s right! Mrs. Li’s Dragonwell JUST arrived minutes ago, and we can’t wait to invite everyone in to try the freshest around.

You can actually walk into the tea house right now and get yourself a cup or a gong fu session of Mrs. Li’s 2014 Spring Dragonwell. Everyone is just giddy with excitement – I’ve been running around just having everyone smell the fresh leaves (intoxicating).

It will take the few days over the weekend to get the tea ready for release online, but if you’re around the Twin Cities? Come, come, come and taste! David will be brewing up Mrs. Li’s Dragonwell, Mrs. Li’s 1st Picking Dragonwell AND Master Han’s 2014 Wild-Picked Sheng Pu’er! XD

If you’re anywhere nearby, I hope you can come to the tasting and be one of the first to enjoy these fantastic, fresh new Spring teas!

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CelebriTEA said

Oh, I would give my right arm to be there ;-)

Me, too, CelebriTEA!
It’s such an experience drinking the tea from Verdant in my tiny kitchen, I can’t imagine actually having a gong fu session (OF MRS. LI’S SPRING DRAGONWELL!!!) in their tea room! swoon! (I’m actually light headed at the thought of it, seriously…)

Wish you could be there, CelebriTEA & DeliriumsFrogs! I would love to figure out a way to do a virtual tasting with all of our friends online…

CelebriTEA said

I feel you DeliriumsFrogs …Verdant is my Fave
Lily, if you find a way to do a virtual testing, well…
I am holding my breathe …lol… so hurry up all ready :-)

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apt said

i ordered their current dancong and really enjoyed it, i plan to order their famous laoshan black when it’s in stock as well.

Thank you, apt! I’m so glad to hear you’ve enjoyed your tea so far :)

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CelebriTEA said

Best wishes with your Tea Room
I have no doubt it will be successful
Team Verdant

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