Tea bloggers working with tea companies, self promote here!
I know I’m not the only blogger out there who works with companies from time to time to help promote their teas. Since self promotion isn’t allowed in the discussion forums I asked Jason if we could start a discussion thread where we could help promote our blogs and the companies we’re currently working with. He gave it his seal of approval, so feel free promote your tea related posts, reviews, or coupon codes here!
Please make sure to edit your original post instead of starting a new one, it will make this thread easier to manage.
I have a food blog, but we do a weekly Tuesday Tea review. Feel free to come check it out at http://www.notstarvingyet.com/
Recently Reviewed
The Persimmon Tree – Jasmine Blossom Flowering Tea
Use coupon code TEABLOG to receive 20% off your next order
Fusion Teas Winter Solstice
Coming Soon:
Simple Loose Leaf December Box.
Use coupon code NotStarvingYet for a 50% discount on your first month’s membership at Simple Loose Leaf
We’ve worked with some great tea bloggers that can be found on here. There are actually a couple of old threads that discuss this topic. So you’re definitely not the only blogger in this site. I did some searching for you and combined them into a list for your convenience.
Thanks for posting those. Hopefully the bloggers who have participated in the other threads will chime in and let us know what fun things they’ve been blogging about recently and which companies they’ve been working with.
Oolong Owl here! http://www.OolongOwl.com
US based tea blogger. I have been working with various tea companies doing tea reviews for them. I enjoy trying new teas, recommending teas to others and taking tea photographs. My mascot, the Oolong Owl Tea Owl, are always hanging around, stealing a sip of tea!
Oolong Owl Coupon Codes:
Simple Loose Leaf – OWLSELECTION25 for a 25% discount on new subs.
Reviews coming soon for September/October:
Tea at Sea
Mandala Tea (pu’er)
White2Tea (so much pu’er)
Crimson Lotus Tea (even more pu’er)
Yunnan Sourcing (can never have too much pu’er)
Whispering Pines
Nina’s Paris
What Cha
Cameron Tea
Also working on:
Tea help series
Site redesign (still keeping it cute)
More tea owls
DIY tea tin designs
(edit: update for September)
Oolong Owl – cute name & site! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now. You’re so in depth in your reviews, I don’t think I’m able to taste that many notes, let alone describe them!
Where do you get your little knit owls? They’re so cute & I have an owl obsession _
hapatite, it looks like she crochets the owls herself, and sometimes has them for sale: http://oolongowl.com/owl-shop/
I’ll be starting to do reviews of tea on my site soon as well – at www.christinavasilevski.com.
Right now, I do book reviews (mostly SF/F) and the occasional movie review. But when I start my tea reviews, I’ll be doing something slightly different: I’ll be doing “Tea and Books” features!
When I review a tea, I’ll discuss what books or fictional characters I think are most reminiscent of this tea. Would a tough warrior drink lapsang souchong or green jasmine? Would a fictional chef go for a black tea or an herbal?
I’m really looking forward to starting up!
And my first “Sunday Tea and Books” review feature is up! In it, I compare a caffeine-free tea to a surprising fantasy figure: http://christinavasilevski.com/2014/04/sunday-tea-books-sobacha-buckwheat-tea/
This week I am doing teas that evoke spring, including some Japanese yummies from Yunomi.us, a Green Oolong from Temple Road Tea, and a floral tea from Shang’s Tea.
I like doing theme weeks, sometimes I focus on a specific type of tea or tea shop, others I just pick teas that have something in common and have fun with it.
Of course there is always a bit of geekery stuffed in the nooks and crannies :P
Articles lined up: An article on Matcha and what the health benefits actually are as it seems a lot of websites make the information up.
Also waiting for review samples of:
Eco-Cha – Jin Xuan 2014 Oolong.
Higher Living – Various flavours in Teapee (similar to Teapigs I think).
Kromland Farm – Rooibos.
I’ve worked with tea companies in the past writing reviews in exchange for samples. At the moment I’m trying to also incorporate information as well as reviews to give my blog a more all-round focus. I also allow guest posts from time to time.
My reviews are always honest and I try to be as informative as I can. Some are contract reviews while others are from tea I have purchased personally. If anyone has anything they want to see on my blog either review or information I would be happy to oblige/consider :)
I do most of my tea reviews on my own, but I did get some great oolong samples from Tea Vivre (I’ve gotten one out of the 5 out). Holy crap, those leaves fully extend and are really something to see… beautiful and tasty.
My reviews (and tea blog in general) is very photography-centric, since I’m trying to learn photography to become semi-professional as a side-business.
It’s been a wonderful learning experience (I even built a light-box for photographing tea!) but being sure to have great photos with each post makes my production time a little longer than I’d like __. Setting up shoots, editing, etc.
Still, I’m really excited for the spring / summer so I can try some outdoor pictures.
I blog about Japanese teas at http://www.myjapanesegreentea.com
I’ve done reviews and podcasts for a number of tea companies.
I’ve received a few samples, including:
- Persimmon Tree Lychee Burst & Jasmine Passion: http://hapatite.com/ptree-lychee-jasmine/
- Persimmon Tree: Green Caramel/Wellness Blend to come soon
Soon to come:
- Tea at Sea
- Joseph Wesley
- Single Origin Teas
- Chai Diaries
- Fashionista Tea
- Runa
You can see the whole “Tea Talk” section here: http://hapatite.com/tag/tea-talk/
SororiTea Sisters is a blog that posts at least 2 reviews per day (or at least, I try to! Sometimes life gets away from me, but, usually, you can count on 2 reviews per day.
I just started my tea/food blog called A Taste of Mz Priss. I generally include a link to a song that I hear in my head when I taste the tea. I have friend who tastes colors – I hear tea (and sometimes wine – but I almost get a song when I drink tea). My blog is here:
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