Favourite tea type and its purpose (non-flavoured)
Hi everyone,
Which non-flavour “Tea Type” do you like the most and why? What does it do for you? etc.
I’ll start:
White: Never got into it because the taste is a bit weak for me and also because I could never afford the high end whites
Green: My Fiancée prefers it to black tea so I tend to drink it regularly. Prefer the stronger greens and always like to experiment with new teas from different regions
Light Oolong: My special Tea. Not really in terms of holidays or weekends but it just seems like a big deal every time I brew a pot. I tend to savour the flavour of oolongs more than other teas as well.
Dark Oolong: Also special but I prefer Light Oolongs to Dark for some reason.
Black: My every day tea (I don’t drink coffee or pop or anything but tea really) so, I stick to my favourite 1 type of black tea and drink it 24/7. At any given moment, there is always at least 1 cup nearby which adds up to about 1kg of black tea consumption per month for me
Herbal Tea: Used to love Camomile Tea and drank it in the evenings but now I switched to drinking wine which seems to be doing a better job
Pu’erh: Haven’t had much experience with Pu’erh but one day hope that I can learn to appreciate it.
There it is. Add your own preferences, reasons and categories.
My favourite tea types:
Green – This is my everyday tea. If I don’t have a green tea , I just feel off for the day. Am enjoying trying out so many different greens. A cup of green tea to me is like peace in a cup.
Oolong – For me oolong is special too. I just can’t brew it up anytime of the day. It’s got to be a time when I have some time set aside and I can resteep those delicious leaves.
White – I’ve always loved the flavour of white. So mild, less caffeine but it’s the one tea that’s brewed at the lowest temperature. That’s a problem for me because I like my teas fairly hot. I just don’t enjoy them when they start cooling off too fast. I do warm up the teapot/cup etc but overall, I just can’t keep this tea hot very long.
Pu-erh – I really enjoy the earthy rich flavour of the pu-erh teas as an occasional tea. There’s no way I could have this tea everyday. There are elements to this tea that are similar to black teas which is my least liked
Herbal- There are a few herbal brews I really love: peppermint, lemon myrtle, rooibos, lapacho, tulsi. These are all good to reach for when I’ve had too much caffeine. Lapacho is a good tea for an antifungal.
Black – Last on the list. Just can’t seem to get this tea down but there are a few of them I do like once in awhile. Black teas just don’t agree with my taste buds or my body. I just don’t feel good when I drink black teas, not sick but just a bit off.
I drink some black and pu- erh teas unflavoured. (Sometimes oolong too.)
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