Differences in tea quality and price
I recently bought some tea samples from Tao Tea Leaf. They are so pricey! I was curious about their coconut oolong and it just seemed to make sense to try a few samples at the same time. I wanted to try some of their samples to see if I was missing out on anything ordering most of my teas from Tealux. For the ones I’ve tried taste-wise I can’t seem to see much difference with Tealux ; but the price difference is HUGE.
For example: Tai Ping Hou Kui at Tealux is $7.50 for 25g. For 25g of the same tea at Tao Tea Leaf it’s $17.50!
Jun Shan Yin Zhen Yellow Tea – Tealux – 25g – $8.00
Jun Shan Yin Zhen Yellow Tea – Tao Tea Lea – 25g – $17.50
Wondering why there’s such a price difference. Would it have to do with organic teas? Tao Tea Leaf sometimes writes organic on their teas but not all.
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