$40k Tea brewing machine, aka space tea machine
From article:
“It creates a reverse atmospheric pressure,” says Huxley. “It sucks out all of the oxygen and creates a vacuum. First we fill it up with our reverse osmosis water, which we have minerals added back into. That helps all of the pores in the tea leaves to fully open up and saturate. As the tea steeps, carbon dioxide is being pushed out of the tea as the water comes in. The oils, the aromatic compounds, the amino acids are all being fully extracted.”
“A number of teas are surprising in the Bkon,” Barenholtz says. “It makes even an everyday tea such as Earl Grey Shanghai even more impressive by bringing out subtle notes of bergamot and a little smokiness. The Sleeping Beauty is perhaps the most beautiful to watch as the colors of the roses, chamomile and berries are explosive.”
Just wow! I kinda wanna try it, but with what tea?
If I ever get rich, I am owning the crap out of this, along with a 6k coffee machine which is basically a bench with a tap and some buttons which you press and a coffee comes out perfectly each time.
I would be a bad rich person. Save the world? No, tea first.
Truthfully, even if that is the “best” way to taste tea I enjoy the manual process far too much to give it up!
I’ve seen this machine in action at the Teavana Tea Bar by Central Park. It’s pretty cool to see and does produce a very decent cup of tea. I always order “monkey picked” oolong because I like to watch the leaves unfurl in the vacuum :)
I am completely skeptical. For all the scientific explanation, taste is largely a component of taste buds and nasal receptors. Just because the maker proports that the machine does something, does not mean that it actually matters.
“a decent cup of tea” hardly seems worth the fuss.
The machine (at least the one I saw at Teavana) was manually calibrated by a human by comparing machine brew with traditional brew over and over again until they matched up. Each tea is programmed separately. In 15 seconds it makes what would normally take 5 minutes to brew. For a tea place in NYC with long lines, it’s a big deal to be able to make a cup of tea to go that quickly.
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