Help! Searching for a specific tea!
Ever since a few years ago I’ve been looking for a particular tea that I tried. I only saw it at a place that buys damaged/overstocked/closeout stock and resells them at a cheap price, so I have no idea where this tea was originally distributed.
-liquid in a glass bottle
-labeled a spice tea
-brown color
-had a woman sunbathing on the label (not a photograph, possibly painted?)
-said on the label the tea won an award in 2010 or 2011 (can’t remember)
-while a spicy taste, it was also sweet
Please can someone help me identify this tea? I’d really like to know what happened to it, and if it’s still around.
(I tried searching the database and Google, and wasn’t able to find it…)
Sounds most like a chai. Try describing the tastes more and would you still have the bottle and if so, could you link a picture so we can see?
Otherwise not much to go on.
Yeah, sadly the bottles are long gone (like I said, it was some years ago), and it could have been a chai. But the bottle didn’t say it was in particular a chai, only that it was a “spice tea”…real specific, huh.
If I knew I’d like it this much I would’ve saved the name or the bottle, etc…but when I went to get more they didn’t have it anymore. And I’ve been to the store numerous times since and they haven’t carried it. It’s probably a lost cause, but I figured I’d try here just in case.
You might have the best luck asking the department manager of the store where you bought it, it’s likely that they either remember what it was, or can look in their records – and maybe even stock it again.
Thanks; I’ll try that the next time I go to that store again. That’s a really good idea.
Sadly that’s not the one TheKesser, but thanks anyway! The woman on the front is more painting-looking than photo-looking, I guess I should say.
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