Whispering Pines & Butiki Teas Super Crazy Contest $120+ in Giveaways
This is amazing!!!
jumps up and down
I never win ANYTHING!!! I am sooooooo excited!!! Thank you so very much to Butiki Teas & Whispering Pines for organizing such an amazing contest!!!
I think I am still in shock!!! Wow.
I can’t wait to try my new samples! What a fantastic way to expand my horizons even more! I have to say that everyone I have met so far on Steepster has been so kind and absolutely generous. It blows my mind!
Kudos to this amazing community!
:) Congrats! Sending you a message for your address right now!
Congrats! I also just started following you so I can read your tasting notes!
Hope I don’t let you down with my tasting notes! I am still learning how to pick out all the flavors in tea. I’ve only been drinking it for a month! I’ll do my best though! :)
Hey everyone, I totally lost count of who I’ve messaged the 5% off coupon code to…so if I missed you, please message me so I can send you your coupon! :) I’m already following all of you guys so if you follow me on here you should be able to message me. :)
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