Whispering Pines & Butiki Teas Super Crazy Contest $120+ in Giveaways
“Whispering Butiki Contest”
Win $50 in teas from both Butiki Teas & Whispering Pines! Plus a chance at a $10 gift certificate from both Butiki Teas and Whispering Pines.
Official contest logo: http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i446/butikiteas/WhisperingButiki_zpse3f2151c.jpg
Contest ends Monday, April 14th at midnight Eastern Standard Time. Winner will be announced Tuesday, April 15th.
What is better than one tea company offering a super awesome contest? Two tea companies offering prizes for a mega awesome contest! That’s right, Butiki Teas and Whispering Pines are teaming up to offer awesome prizes valued at over $100!!!!
To enter, simply visit www.whisperingpinestea.com and www.butikiteas.com. Then in this thread let us know which tea from each site you would be most excited to try and why. Also, post a link to a picture or gif that represents how excited you would be if you win. Your entry will earn 2 entries for posting below but you may also earn an additional entry for posting info about this contest to your Facebook page. Here is what an entry should look like:
1. Most exciting tea from Whispering Pines & why
2. Most exciting tea from Butiki Teas & why
3. Link to gif or picture that describes how excited you would be if you won
4. Link to Facebook announcement of contest (optional)
A winner for the $100+ in prizes will be chosen by a random generator (http://www.random.org/). Additionally, both Butiki Teas and Whispering Pines will each choose one winner for the funniest/cutest/best picture or gif. Those winners will each win a $10 credit to the store that chose their entry. This contest has a possibility of 3 winners.
Butiki Teas is offering the following prizes: ½ oz Taiwanese Wild Mountain Black, 1oz Hello Sweetie, half oz White Rhino, half oz Lemon French Macaron, half oz With Open Eyes, half oz Purple Sunset Oolong, half oz Wild Huangshan Mao Feng, half oz Flowery Pineapple Oolong, and 1 tin for a value of $50+!
Whispering Pines is offering the following prizes: 1oz Golden Orchid, 1oz Mint Chocolate Chip Black Tea, 1oz Campfire Blend, 1oz Apple Cinnamon Oolong, 1oz North Winds Black Tea, 1/2oz Spring Jade Tieguanyin, 1/2oz October for a value of $50+!
We are accepting US & Canadian entries.
So exciting! :D
just for the record… there is no one more excited than i…. now to prove it. :)
So yes, I am all over this contest, and if I win this will be me: Dean’s Happy Dance
I’m most excited about Butiki’s Hello Sweetie because it’s based off the amazing Premium Taiwanese Assam and has such amazing flavours, while I would be most excited about Whispering Pine’s Mint Chocolate Chip Black due to the rich minty chocolate flavours paired with a nice smooth base. I’ve also only had a few samples of Whispering Pines’ teas so I would love to try the rest. :D
I also shared the contest details on my facebook page, but it’s private so you might not see it? Stacy has already liked it though, so that’s gotta count as proof. :D
:P Glad you guys like it.
Supernatural: they has a gif for everything. (If tumblr has taught me anything…)
Oh my gosh, Cavo, before I even scrolled down past the contest entries, I was thinking of something Dean related for the gif! I was thinking that one face he makes though!
I thought Dean was drinking tea a few episodes ago, but it turns out it was a vintage coffee pot in the Men of Letters bunker. Oh well, I’ll pretend it’s tea!
I would love to try Whispering Pines’ Smores tea! So far I have run into several Smore blends but they have been out of stock everywhere, and I could take a bath in marshmallows.
From Butiki, it’s the Raspberry Truffle, which is already on its way. Raspberry and chocolate and tea. Does it get any better?
This is what I look like due to excitement about this contest (and really just about every day in anticipation of the mail.)
I couldn’t think of any other two tea shops I’d want to win teas from more! I’ve adored all the blends I’ve tried from Butiki and Whispering Pines! I have no idea why you’re asking which ONE from each shop I’d like to try… I’d love to try them all! But from Whispering Pines I’d like to try the Golden Orchid because it has all the flavor notes I love and I like the idea that the tea changes over time so you should drink it every week to taste the changing flavors! Butiki’s blends are always amazing, but I’m most excited to try the plain black tea Hattialli Golden Paw Assam because hands down, my favorite tea of all time was a particular harvest of Butiki’s Hattialli Golden Lion Assam. If it’s anything like that one, it would also be a favorite. I love the description notes the apricot, sweet potato and chocolate, all reasons I loved the other.
This is how it would feel to win this awesome prize, from the lovely show Community, which takes up half my heart space:
thanks for the chance!
The Hattialli this harvest is the most chocolaty I’ve tasted it. Soooo delcious! Love your gif. I’m a huge Community fan. So sad that Donald Glover isn’t in this season. Boo. Love Joel McHale! The Soup is one of my guilty pleasure shows.
Another Community fan! I think I’ve only cried three times in the last year and one of those times was during the last Donald episode. :D Troy & Abed are my favorites! I’ll definitely be trying the new Hattialli!
Troy and Abed were the best part of the show. I’m certain you won’t be disappointed with the Hattialli! :)
Community is just fantastic. It is one of the few shows that I often re-watch, sometimes at random and sometimes from beginning to end. The endless dean puns are impressive!
Oh, I JUST thought I should be rewatching Community soon before I read your comment, Uniquity! I’m thinking of too many episodes I miss. :D
Oh man, winning this would be a dream, I have both Whispering Pines and Butiki soo high on my ‘must try’ list!
From Whispering Pines I am most excited to try Campfire, I know the tea is themed around Northern Michigan, but the description very much so reminds me of the North Woods of Minnesota where I was lucky enough to spend a summer working as a Naturalist. Really all the descriptions touch something in my heart that makes me feel both very homesick and at peace. Not to mention they sound delicious!
From Butiki I am most curious to try is Purple Sunset Oolong because, well, Oolong is my favorite type of tea. More than just that it is an Oolong from Kenya! I love trying types of teas that are unusual for the growing region, I find it gives it a whole new character.
Here is my excited gif: http://mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/happy-jello.gif I was going to take a silly photo of myself but after just having oral surgery, I find it is hard to express emotions with a mouth full of gauze! Hopefully the world’s most happy gelatin cube can accurately express my excitement. And now to post this on ALL the social media places I lurk :P
:) Thanks, I was super jazzed when I found it because who can resist a happy gelatin cube?
I’d love to try Butiki’s "Hello Sweetie " I have always been a fan of Taiwanese teas and would be very pleased to try it because of the Taiwanese Assam. I also looove coconut! I’d also be up to try Whispering Pines “TRADITIONAL TIEGUANYIN” Because of the ‘subtle brown sugar and caramel drizzled over fresh honey wheat bread’ it sounds heavenly.
If I won this amazing prize, I would feel like this
Oh man; I love this contest. I’m so happy I don’t have to choose best gif because you guys are making me laugh.
Glad to hear that you love the contest! :)
I know, right! This is going to be sooo tough.
I would love to try ‘The Sleeping Bear’ blend from The Whispering Pines. Honestly, for as long as I have known about the company, whenever I visited the site, there was a picture of a howling wolf on the page for ‘The Sleeping Bear.’ Of course, my immediate thought upon seeing this wolf was: “Man, this company really gets me.” (Ahem, please note my icon) Wolf is my totem animal and its partly because of that that I am obsessed with wolves. I study them. I draw them. I collect wolf things. My nickname is Wolf/Wolfie, amongst friends. Once, I “got over” the fact that there was a wolf on this tea page, I actually read the description. Pine. Wilderness. Notes of flowers and meadows. Sign me right up! Seriously. A tea that embodies the woods!? Sign me right up! (I blame my Shinnecock father who taught me to (kind of) obsess over nature.)
With that said, the tea that I would like to try from Butiki Teas is definitely: ‘Three Friends.’ I have been on a mission, ask anyone who knows me, to find a good creamsicle tea. I am truly not a big fan of flavored teas, however, Butiki’s flavored teas are out of this world, to me. If anyone can make a creamsicle tea that I like, it would be Stacy. What does this have to do with ‘Three Friends’? … I know that it is Orange, Marshmallow, and Chocolate, but I have a feeling that even though the chocolate is there, this tea will knock my vegan socks off! Once again… sign me right up! Orange and Marshmallowy awesomeness = perfect. Orange, Marshmallowy awesomeness, and Chocolate = also perfect.
I am known for bouncing around when happy and excited, so I think this Corgi gif shows exactly what I will be doing if I win this amazing prize!
Sorry for being so wordy…. (and for the lack of grammar… I am TOO excited)
I have posted this to my Facebook as well! Though, my Facebook is private. If either company wants to friend me to verify that’s completely fine!
I think Three Friends would be good for you. It does have some creaminess to it and the tea is also very present so the flavor is not overpowering unless a lot of sugar is added. Love the gif. :)
Wolves…I love them more than words can explain. Have you read the description for Campfire Blend? It’s based on my first run-in with a wolf :)
First, let’s start with the gif, because this is the look on my face right now: http://mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/surpirsed-baby.gif
Now, I feel this way about several of Brendan’s blends — Mint Chocolate Chip and Clari Tea immediately come to mind. Having said that, I’ve yet to try Golden Orchid, and after a few friends strongly recommending it to me, now I must. I must!
As for Butiki, Stacey also knows I’m a bit of a rebel rouser with the whole wave of demand for good ole Birthday Cake. ( WILL manage to order more again! It’s just selling out so fast…) That said, I’m super excited about trying the Lemon Macaron, because I’m a sucker for dessert teas, as well as White Rhino – that tea changed how I view tea, and it’ll forever have a space on my tea shelf for as long as it’s available.
My Facebook is also super-secret, although I can definitely friend someone if needed. I’ve also posted to Google+: https://plus.google.com/114969398934100244133/posts/2NZFGYJ2MRi
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