Whispering Pines & Butiki Teas Super Crazy Contest $120+ in Giveaways
Okay, I’ve been holding out on this one but I can’t resist the chance to win tea from a company I already know is great and another that I’ve been interested in trying. Both of the teas I am most excited about aren’t included in the prizes but I’m assuming that’s okay!
From Butiki, I’d be most excited to try Watermelon Xylophone because I totally forgot to put it on my order with them from a few months back and it looks truly interesting. I don’t tend to like white teas, but flavoured whites can be delicious and a watermelon flavoured tea sounds awesome. I don’t get the opportunity to order new tea very often so forgetting to order some was a real bone-headed move!
From Whispering Pines, I would be pumped to taste the Bi Luo Chun Yunnan because I love yunnans and this one looks especially delicious. Those leaves are gorgeous and I assume would make one heck of a cup of tea! I’m trying not to let the fact that it’s out of stock bother me. :)
I’ve also spent way too long looking for a good Doctor Who gif but have fallen in love with this one: http://tinyurl.com/o8mpzp2
There is a distinct possibility that I would flail my arms around madly and collapse with tea joy if I received the beautiful tea bounty on offer. Happy tea!
The Bi Luo Chun spring harvest is currently en route from China ;)
From Whispering Pines, it would have to be s’mores. I’ve been eyeing this tea for a really long time, how can you not want to try something that reminds you of being around a campfire? I seriously love the fact that it has marshmallow root in it.
From Butiki, I really want to try Lemon French Macaron. Just the name alone was enough to catch my eye, but I think the combination of lemon, almond and vanilla sounds absolutely delicious.
If I won I’d probably try to dance a happy dance, but in reality, it would look more like this:
This is an amazing contest! Thank you both so much!
From Whispering Pines, I would most like to try Manistee Moonrise. I love the imagery conveyed with that one and it sounds amazing!
From Butiki, I most want to try the Flowery Pineapple Oolong. I was never too sure about pineapple tea, but if anyone can nail it, it’s Stacy
If I win, I’ll look a bit like this:
Of course it is from a movie I’ve only seen hundreds of times. To be fair though, I haven’t seen it in years and I have a horrible long-term memory.
I’m enjoying all of the entries to this contest – both the funny gifs and dreaming of all the Butiki & Whispering Pines teas.
My first post on Steepster! (Thanks to Tea Pet for mentioning this contest!)
I would love to try Campfire Blend from Whispering Pines. On Monday, I discovered how much I like Lapsang Souchong and I have always loved rooibos blends. I feel as though this would be a great choice for me as a person who likes things that embody fire! ^^
I would also love to try Grapefruit Dragon from Butiki Teas. I really like grapefruit flavored teas and this one sounds amazing. I also love dragons.
My gif:
I am most excited to try the traditional tieguanyin from Whispering Pines. This tea has notes that I LOVE in teas, especially oolongs! I also think that it would be one of those teas that you see changes over time and with each steep.
From Butiki Teas, I would be most interested in Hello Sweetie. I have yet to try it, but it sounds very tasty from all of the rave reviews. I’m a big fan of Butiki’s flavored blends and I think this would be most exciting to add to my collection!
I think I would react like this if I won the contest: http://25.media.tumblr.com/9f14839cb46b0955f58b205efd8928d8/tumblr_mxi8i24Zwg1qisegao1_400.gif
I’ve only caught the first Season of Sherlock and part of the 2nd season. Loved it! It used to free on Amazon Prime but now they charge for it.
I would love to try Golden Orchid from Whispering Pines, because I’ve been trying to expand my straight black tea horizons (I come from the land of heavy flavoring) and I think the addition of some vanilla would be a nice compromise. Many people consider “vanilla” to be something boring, but I think I often prefer it over chocolate (and I lovvvve chocolate)! The description of the tea sounds amazing – cocoa notes with vanilla? Ok!! I have never tried anything from this company and I feel Golden Orchid would be a good place to start!
From Butiki I already have a few favorites, but once I heard about the Hello Sweetie and Lemon Macaron teas I knew that I would have to try them eventually…. The only reason I haven’t yet is because I’m trying to get rid of some of my mountainous stash first. I don’t know if I could even choose which of the two I’d most like to try, I’m pretty excited about both. Since I’m a huge fan of all things French and all lemon desserts, I think I will go with the Lemon French Macaron :)
This gif would best describe my level of excitement if I won this contest would be this classic Homer Simpson moment…
Unfortunately you cannot hear the accompanying whooping sounds but rest assured they would be loud!
Most exciting tea from Whispering Pines:
Golden Orchid (though with so many novel flavors it’s hard to choose)! I’d love to try something with vanilla, cocoa, AND apricot in it. Sounds amazing!
Most exciting tea from Butiki:
Creamy Eggnog! The flavor note combo is one I particularly love and I’ve read some great reviews on it. Best of all, it’s a flavored green, my favorite!
If I won, I’d be jumping for joy, just like this little kid:
My first forum post on Steepster! What an awesome contest!
I would LOVE to try “Hello Sweetie” from Butiki…it gets great reviews, and the description sounds HEAVENLY!!!
From Whispering Pines I would love to try the Port blend! It sounds amazing!
If I won I think this GIF would accurately represent my reaction…http://www.everyjoe.com/wp-content/gallery/shocked-baby/surprised-baby-gif-1.jpg
From Whispering Pines, I’m most looking forward to trying the October blend. Some pretty unusual ingredients in there (yabao, roasted cedar leaves, oh my!) yet it says it tastes like kettle corn – sounds too intriguing to pass up!
From Butiki, I’m most excited to try the Lemon French Macaron (with the Purple Sunset Oolong a very close second). Stacy’s blending skills are top-notch, and I can’t wait to taste how she’s interpreted a patisserie classic!
I’d look something like this if I won: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgdf8jeBGH1qfxxdvo1_400.gif
ETA: I have a US address – could I be put in the main prize draw, pretty please?
The yabao is also roasted, which is what gives the kettle corn notes :) It’s one of my absolute favorites right now! :) haha, funny gif! :D
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