Your favorite ways to prepare matcha?
I have a few matcha samples coming, and from what I have read, they can be prepared hot or cold. I don’t have any of the official matcha prep items since I don’t know yet how much I will like it, and thought I would use a regular whisk. I think I will like it either hot or cold, and might need to sweeten it a little at least at first.
What are your favorite ways to prepare it?
Just got on the matcha train myself! I hope you love it as much as I have. I usually use half a tsp of matcha, one sugar cube, and about eight oz of cold milk. Put it all in the magic bullet and voila—magic matcha! I haven’t ever tried it hot, nor am I really all that interested, since I already have nine million hot teas I already enjoy, it would seem.
I don’t actually like matcha but I did try out a couple varieties in an attempt to learn to like it. Unfortunately for me that didn’t work. Green just ain’t my thing! :)
I bought the tools in advance because I’m foolish, and prepared it both hot and cold. For hot I used my variable temp kettle and got water to 70 (I think), then slowly added some to my small scoop of matcha (1/4 tsp I believe). Then whisked furiously and attempted to consume. One of the ways I see a lot on here is the mason jar method – cold water or milk, add matcha, cover, shake vigorously. I didn’t do that myself but it seems like the easiest, for sure. I didn’t add anything to it other than a bit of agave to try to make it drinkable but others use it in smoothies, or add sweetener and/or milk right at the start. It wasn’t my thing but my hubby did like it so I think as with most teas, it is about trying different kinds in different ways and seeing what appeals to you.
Unfortunately that can get expensive with matcha so I suggest trying to make small quantities while testing your preferences. Best of luck and I hope you enjoy!
In order to get the matcha to dissolve well, I sift about a half tsp into a glass, add a little (1-2 oz) 176-degree water, mix vigorously with a fork in an “m” motion to get it a bit frothy, then add ice, almond milk and sometimes a little sugar. Delicious iced matcha latte!! :)
I make mine just like keychange. I can’t imagine liking it another way better. Part of that could be that I am not really a green tea drinker. Prepared this way it is just creamy goodness.
In a tumbler I use a mix of almond and coconut milk, ice cubes, a scoop of protein powder and a scoop of matcha. I just shake it up until mixed. So good.
I’m a beginner. tried hot latte,nope its not for me. I dont drink any milk. i can add some milk 1tbs maybe to Assam. but drinking hot 8oz of milk – no way. The other day i decided to fix it for my hubby. Cold unsweetened almond milk + 1/2tsp cheesecake matcha in magic bullet. he found it delicious(1st time drinker too). i took few sips, not bad at all. i think i like it this way.
I make mine like Keychange but I use vanilla soy milk. Awesome!! The magic bullet/nutri bullet blender makes it have a nice froth. Now I have to go make a matcha!!! Oh darn! :)
I’m a traditionalist. I’ve tried lattes and smoothies, but I like it hot best. I use a bamboo whisk in a large low teacup I bought in Japan.
I have to agree with Dr Jim! I have a matcha set (bowl, whisk, strainer, chasaku) and it’s the only way that I prepare matcha for myself.
For others, however, I make them lattes with a ‘Blender Cup’ and their milk of choice. Since my SO and best friend are not vegan (a.k.a. normal people unlike me), I always have multiple milk options in the apartment to make their teas with! Just add half of the milk, then all of the matcha, and then the rest of the milk, and shake away!
If you do go the traditional route (that’s the only way I’ve tried it so far and just watched a couple of youtube videos to learn it), I’ve learned that most of the steps (preheating the bowl, sifting the matcha, whisking) are all designed to promote a smooth, nonlumpy consistency, which is really important to taste, since it can tend toward bitterness. Also, no need for the ‘top’ quality matchas, but much (if not most?) of the stuff on the market is really best for sweetened drinks and desserts – definitely go for at least a ‘better’ quality powder if you’re doing traditional prep.
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