Matcha Grade and Lattes?
I searched through the discussion board, but I couldn’t seem to find the answer to my question. I’m interested in buying matcha mostly to mix it into things. I love the idea of green tea lemonade, I like green tea lattes, I want to try my hand at making green tea ice cream… But when I started looking into buying it, I’ve found there are thick and thin grades! I’ll admit I’d like to stay as cheap as possible, so I’ve been looking at Harney & Sons thin grade matcha. But will the thin make a difference?
I’d suggest getting I believe it’s $15 if memory serves me correctly. It’s cheap, but completely ok to drink traditionally (I do not personally believe in wasting money on a product you have to doctor for it to taste good- and you deserve good matcha!), but also cheap enough that I can add to thinks w/o feeling guilty. I’m not sure I’d put ceremonial grade matcha in things cuz that does kinda seem like a waste to me personally. Check markets, whole food stores, etc. If you can buy matcha in person it might be even cheaper. My best friend can get organic matcha for like $3/oz. Not sure of the grade though- but it is yummy. That’s the only thing I think this matcha is lacking. Organic matcha tastes better IMO.
For starters I love how uplifting you are. “You DESERVE good matcha!” That made my smile. :)
Also, thank you for that link! I hadn’t even checked out that tea seller before. I’m currently working/paying through college (yes I know the BIGGEST most DUMBEST and ANNOYING excuse ever for being tight on money… but it’s true!), so I try very hard to not spend a lot on tea. And matcha is just so very expensive! Thank you very much.
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