Tesera Tea Machine
Is anyone familiar with this?
That is the most beautiful tea machine ever! I have a Breville and I thought it was awesome! Now….. my life isn’t worth living until I get a Tesera. (Of course, I can’t see anywhere to buy it… and I have no money to buy it. ) But it is sooooo cool! I have never seen anything like it. :D :D :D
Wow. I wonder how much that sucker’ll cost when/it becomes available? Pretty cool though.
Though it looks like you’d have to put quite a bit of tea in that compartment to fill it. Then again, if you have the same tea every morning it would make sense.
I sensed the same problem with having to use a lot of tea but still it can be our dream. Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight…. A tesera.
Very, very awesome … I love my Breville … I’m thinking that this machine is going to be even costlier than the Breville was.
Unfortunately, I truly doubt that this amazingly beautiful machine will ever hit the market for mass production. It was a thesis for a product designer and it appears that no updates on it have been made since 2012 (The product first appeared around 2011, I believe). If anyone wants to know if they can purchase one, I would recommend contacting the designer company founder! http://www.blick-kick.de/#!kontakt/con8
U_U It’s rather frustrating when I find an amazing product, obsess over it wish to purchase it, and then when attempting to, I find out that it’s not at all for sale… like this and the bkon (http://bkonbrew.com/the-brewer/)
The Bkon is certainly impressive but it doesn’t look as pretty/cool/sophisticated as the Tesera. It looks awkward. How big is it? It looks huge in the picture but that can be deceptive. It doesn’t give the dimensions. The control panel over on the side ruins the lines of the machine. I was wondering if both of these machines are more for an office?
I think the bkon is rather large! There is a video of it being used and it appears to be around 2 or so feet tall!
It’s definitely more of a machine for businesses than individual use, however, that still doesn’t stop a tech geek from wanting one! Haha!
I completely agree that it’s not nearly as aesthetically pleasing as the Tesera, however, I am very interested in the science behind it and how quickly it works!
One day I will have a room dedicated to this stuff! One day… A room filled with a huge collection of aging pu-erh, displays of yixing and porcelain, and a table with hi-tech tea toys like my One Touch, the Bkon, and Tesera. (Plus walls of books, video games, and comics.)
One day….
Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight…
Very cool! Definitely that industrial chic look that so many people have been coming to like lately. I agree with Tea pet though, looks like the site has been a bit stagnant for some time:( Very cool regardless! I gotta stick my Breville though! Man i love this thing!…but that one would look great…:)
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