[poll] packaging size perference
Hello guys,
We are setting up a online shop for premium loose teas from Taiwan. Currently, we are discussing the following 2 options: 50g and 100g. Just a quick poll here, which packaging size do you guys prefer?
1. 50g package : Cheaper in price. More expensive in terms of $/g. small size is more attractive for the first-time buyers(?)
2. 100g package: more expensive than 50g. However, slightly cheaper in terms of $/g.
Thank you all for those valuable feedbacks. :D
We will go for the multiple size options and provide both 25g (sample size aiming for first time customers) and 50g (normal size for repeat customers) to our customers.
Why not offer multiple sizes? Personally, I would almost never buy 100g of even my favorite tea. I just wouldn’t get through it fast enough.
I think different people have different needs. Why not offer a variety of size options as Kaylee suggested ? Most tea shops/retailers do. New customers & those that like variety prefer the smaller size while those that just keep a few favorites will prefer a larger size.
Samples. If I don’t really like it why would I invest even in 50g? Set of samples would be great in my opinion.
I don’t want to buy 50g of a tea I’ve never tried and I NEVER want to buy 100g. I would prefer 25g “samples” and 50g “restock” – but that’s just me.
I restock at 100 grams because I twnd to drink my favourited all the time. The obstacle with ne is that I rarely try new companies and hate paying a lot for shipping or samples. Having a sample option is almostva requirement fpr most Steepsterites but having good shipping is crucial as well, especially to Canada. Most of the companies I order from regularly offer free shipping at a certain value, samples as well as discounts for larger amounts (like 100 grams) and also offered free samples at one point which I tried and fell in love with.
I like trying sizes. Either .5 or 1 ounces are best (12 or 25 grams, I think).
Unless it’s really inexpensive, I want to try a sample size or a small amount first. Multiple size options would be ideal for me.
I buy a lot of tea, and only in small amounts now. $1-2 samples for a cup or two of tea is perfect, and I will gladly pay more weight-wise to try something out first. I’ll even gladly pay for shipping (if it’s reasonable) as long as I can purchase in smaller amounts. If I HAVE to I’ll buy 50g worth, but only if I’ve heard rave reviews or it’s something very unique that I know I can easily share with other Steepsterites.
I tend to buy 100 gram packages, but that means relatively few orders, and makes me risk-averse, so I seldom try new companies. As a startup, you will probably do better with small packages and samples.
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