What would you do if you found this in your tea?
So I just ordered 50 dollars worth of tea from Adagio and found this in my 16oz bag of Vanilla Green: http://i.imgur.com/X9JyDua.jpg
I am disgusted, has something ever happen to you like this, what did you do? I am gonna email them…just ugh…it looks like a piece of tire, I drank 2 pots of this also and thats frightening to me since I dread plastic anything.
Edit: Friend just looked at it again, seems the threads on the plastic are fiberglass from what he can see, scares me even more.
Oh wow, that’s gross as hell, definitely not a piece of a tire though..
It smells like bike tires to me, honestly I am unsure, the tea had a very fake smell to it, kinda plastic like but I just though “Meh must be the Vanilla flavoring”…I think I was mistaken.
Showed it to my friend, he thought the same, thinking I should just get a full refund, I am pretty mad though.
Ewww. That’s definately gross.
I’m honestly surprised about it though. Adagio is one of those companies that I never hear stories of ‘ewww found this in my tea’. At least not that I can recall.
With the fiber on the one end, I don’t think it’s a piece of tire. Dunno what it could be though.
Hope you get refunded for that bag of Vanilla Green.
Yeah which is why I ordered from them, plus they seemed much cheaper then most places, guess I have to find another decent priced place now…
Looking at the teas on Vine right now, how is Zhena’s Gypsy Tea and Davidsons Tea? I honestly have 0 teas right now besides the ones I ordered from Adagio(Just left a mold infested house, had to throw away a lot).
Do you mean DAVIDsTEA? They have 3 or 4 locations in Manhattan (and one in Brooklyn) so you could go there and sniff teas and see what appeals to you. They’re not an exquisite tea company or anything, but they do have a rather large following, and I’ve enjoyed several teas I bought from them.
Not sure, I have heard of DavidsTea but they seem a bit costly, I am on a tight budget sadly right now.
This is what I was looking at http://www.vine.com/p/davidsons-tea-bulk-green-chai-with-orange-peel-16-oz-bag-178634
I’ve only tried the one blend; but I thought the Coconut Chai from Zhena’s Gypsy was pretty good.
Funny thats the first one I stumbled upon, I love coconut, maybe I will try that.
Unfortunately it is possible to find various things in any tea, I don’t want to get into it because otherwise I’ll gross myself out…but I’ve from time to time found various stuff in my tea and no it’s not consistantly from 1 company.
Thats a shame, no quality control? You think these places would have higher standards…
I’ve never found anything odd in my tea, except one time I brewed tea and found a dead bug in it. I have no clue if it was from the tea, tea cup, or what, but I threw the entire tea out.
That’s gross that you found that in your tea, especially since you had drank it already!
Yeah, drank about 6 cups…already have health issues, really don’t need anything toxic going in me…pretty mad about this, tea is suppose to be healthy, if I didn’t love it so much this would totally turn me off from it, especially after what Lynxiebrat said.
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