Looking for Smaller tea kettle
I drink at least a cup of tea a day. (As I’m sure pretty much everyone on Steepster does) and would like to start using a kettle to warm up my water versus a microwave. The problem is that I feel like most tea kettles are huge. Like the one we have. Starts at 4 cups and goes up to 10 and most of the time I don’t drink more then 2 cups in the morning.
so basically I’m looking for a kettle that will be able to handle me only using it for 1 or 2 cups and not have to have a minimum of 4 (at least I’m assuming it needs to have 4 anyway)
I’m looking for mainly the electric type but I would also consider the stove top type.
I’m all ears.
If you want a variable temp one, this is a touch expensive but is apparently really worth it:
In the US you are pretty much out of luck finding a nice small inexpensive kettle. You could go stove top. My choice was to get the programmable kettle from Walmart (around $40) and heat only one mug full of water at time. It will work fine that way. I think Adiago (sp?) sells as small of one as you are going to find that is not plastic.
I’ve been using a Hamilton Beach Variable Temperature kettle. I tend to only heat 8oz – 12oz at a time and other than the fact that with that little water it heats incredibly fast and I have to adjust the temp down to account for overheating (if I’m needing something other than boiling), it’s been marvelous. I got mine from Walmart for about $35ish bucks.
I have the Adagio kettle that KS mentioned. I can heat enough water for my teapot (24oz) or my mug (14oz). I have had it for several years and love it. There are fancier ones out there, but this serves my purposes fine.
I bought my kettle at Zeller’s (back when Zeller’s was a thing) for $9.95. Boils 1L max of water (the David’s Tea Noble Mug is 2 “cups” per litre). Also has a very small footprint (taller than it is wide, unlike my kettle at home) so doesn’t take up much room on my desk.
You could try Target or Walmart.
I use a bonivita .5 liter electric travel pot at work. I am thinking about getting another for home. I dont feel that variable temp is needed. I pop a thermometer in the kettle and stop heating when I am ast the right temp. or just let the water cool to the right temp.
Its not a great solution but it was cheap and works well for 1 or 2 people.
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