Should I get this automatic frother?
I want this so badly. I don’t think a stick frother is very blind-friendly (mostly because I think I’d want to have the ability to check the status of the frothage with my left hand and I don’t think that’s easily doable with the hand-held ones)…plus, this one just stops when it’s done).
But still. What do you guys think?
hmmmm i feel like i’ve seen something similar for less money that might work as well…i’ll have to see if i can figure out what and when i was looking at it… ponders but i think you might be on the right track for your purposes..
I agree that this is probably what you need, except I would use it less often than not because it would be a pain to wash. I don’t know if that’s an issue for you, but it’s definitely worth thinking about. On the other hand, I can’t think of a way to construct a product with this function that would shut off automatically that would be of a different design, so you may have to settle for certain features to get the ones that are necessary for you.
Yeah it does seem really neat. yeah sil the price tag does seem a bit steep. And of course it’s like half that price in the states (but American amazon won’t ship it here, and any other American sites selling it end up selling it at a higher price to Canadians).
The reviews on amazon suggest this is actually quite easy to clean, although fortunately (or unfortunately as it goes for us lazies) washing dishes isn’t too tricky for those of the blind persuasion.
I bought one of these and it is sitting on my counter! I haven’t used it yet, but am going to do so today-you inspired me! I just got back from vacation and am sadly moving back into normalcy. Anyway, check this out, it gets great reviews and for the price I think it is worth a try:||NoFacet-NoFacet-_--
Oh don’t worry-the link worked for me just fine. But as I indicated in my original post, I don’t think a hand-hehld frother is very accessible for the blind among us.
But I’m so glad you’re excited to try yours. You’ll have to report back and tell us everything!
That is a high price to pay for frothy milk. Have you tried a stick frother before? i’m wondering if the sound it makes changes when the froth gets to a certain thickness and if that could be an indicator over the finger in your drink check. Ikea sells some cheap version for $3.
I have been thinking about getting a frother too! To go with the matcha I’m getting ready to order! I want a cheaper one though!
This one is a little bit cheaper 49.99.
Thanks guys. yyz, I’m going to read reviews on that one.
I think the concept of it is definitely easier than a hand-held one, although I imagine I could also turn the hand-held one off every ten seconds or so to check the level of the milk…but the other advantage to these ones is that it also heats your milk, which can be a pita otherwise in general.
I think it depends more on how often you would use it. If you use hot frothy milk daily then it is probably a good value for you. If it is just occasional you might be better off with something a bit less convenient and a lot less expensive. I don’t use milk but I remember seeing posts a while ago about heating milk in a microwave in a mason jar then sealing and shaking it to make frothy milk. This may be remembered all wrong though so maybe give it a google so you don’t explode hot milk over yourself because I’m forgetful, hah.
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