Pumpkin Chai, steeping time, etc.
Hey Guys!
So.. I am really new to drinking tea and have some questions! I actually bought my tea awhile ago from david’s tea but never got around to trying it, it’s pumpkin chai! It smells delicious, but since I have never steeped my own tea before I have some questions I hope will get answered! :)
It says to steep the tea for 4-6 minutes, in 98 degress celsius, and use 1 1/2 tsp per cup. Which I do understand, but I have the 18oz steeper from davids tea too. How would I go about using it?? I just put the tea in and the hot water and just let it sit there?? or do I stir it throughout the steeping??
Thanks! :)
Hi Nemo – welcome to Steepster.
If I were making that tea, I would put 3 tsp of tea (or a tad more) in the steeper, pour in almost boiling water, set a timer for 5 minutes, walk away. When the timer goes off, pour it into your mug, cup, drinking vessel. Just set the steeper on the top of the mug and it drains out the bottom.
You don’t need to stir it, just pour the water and let it sit.
Hope you enjoy your tea. :))
Take note of how you feel about that cup of tea. Is it strong enough? Too strong? How do you feel about it? If it’s too strong you can cut back on the leaf or the steep time to adjust it to your tastes.
Your steeper is 18 oz. Directions say 1.5 tsp/cup (a cup is normally approx 8 oz) 8 oz + 8oz = 16 oz 1.5 tsp x2 = 3 tsp. I was assuming you would make 16-18 oz in your infuser – 2 cups. LOL sorry I drink out of 16 oz mugs all the time and just assume everyone else does. If you only want to make 1/2 a pot then just do 1.5 tsp and only fill the steeper half full…
Like Dexter said, it really depends on your taste. My general guidelines are 1 tsp per 8 oz. For fluffy teas, or teas with large pieces, such as fruit, you may need to use more. Just play around with the parameters. Adding a sweetener may help with taste as well. Try different sweeteners, white sugar, brown sugar, rock sugar, honey, etc.
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