TeaWings said

I almost consider this "tea porn".. 5+ pounds direct from Paris..

Started getting into tea last year. It is taking over my kitchen. May have to take a break from buying for a while.

Here it is, direct from Mariage Freres, took about a week to clear customs via UPS but was still cheaper than flying to France to pick it up. Glad I’m heading back to Asia soon, don’t want to pay through the nose for my favorite TWG teas again.


Good news is, I have plenty to swap now, so time to start finding some steepster friends and explore that way!!!


14 Replies
carol who said

WOW! That is some collection! I should show that to my husband to keep him from complaining about mine. It is beautiful! I’m so jealous!

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Holy cow!

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Sil select said

That’s awesome!

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Sara said

Oh my stars and garters, what a beautiful selection! So jealous!

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OMGsrsly said

Oh, that is so awesome!

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Kaylee said

That looks amazing. Congrats!

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That is one amazing collection of tea! And so nicely organized, too.

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Memily said


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Ubacat said

That is a huge collection. I was thinking mine was getting too full. I only have one cabinet but lately have been putting stuff elsewhere. Love how well it’s organized with the pretty tins.

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let me know if you need any help drinking those teas! ;)

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