Colds and Tea

24 Replies
Courtney said

I agree with all the ginger and honey comments. David’s Super Ginger is also pretty awesome.

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I currently have a cold and am currently downing some ginger tea, specifically Super Ginger by DavidsTea. The ginger burns a bit, but I added some honey to smooth everything out and honey is also great for sore throats. I also enjoy mint tea when I’m sick, and usually stick to herbals regardless and lots of them as it’s important to stay hydrated.

Another go-to is Ginger Sage Spa Winter blend by Verdant, it’s packed with good herbs. And if I’m really under the weather, I just cut up some fresh ginger, plunk it in boiling water with some honey and lemon juice, and leave it steep for at least 5 mins (I usually just leave it in there and top up with hot water). This is also great for an upset stomach sans lemon, it’s not the most pleasant blend unless you enjoy ginger a lot haha, but it does a lot of good!

Hope this helps :) ginger and honey seems to be a common suggestion among a lot of us on here :D

Hmmm, I wonder if I have any of my Ginger Sage Spa Blend left or if I drank it already. That does sound like it would help a lot, it certainly helped my stomach when my ulcer was acting up.

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Uniquity said

Anything mint, ginger, lemon or honey well help the throat. I don’t mind those ingredients in combination either so any mix of them is good for me! To but a pre mixed blend, I love David’s cold 911.

Feel better!

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Any herbal tea with slippery elm bark helps with sore throats for me. I hate the flavor but it works really well.

Adding honey to an herbal you like is also good. It’s about the only time I like drinking hibiscus based teas. They work very well with the honey.

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I am going to try the lemon/ginger/honey combo using the last of my raw honey. It is always sad when the jar gets emptied! It is a strange cold…if that is what it is (or at least strange for me) since I lack all the stuffiness and just have the achy body, fever, and horrid sore throat. Maybe it is laryngitis…I dunno, I just want it to go away.

Thank you all for the awesome suggestions. Totally bookmarking this for future reference!

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