Omg! Is this a thing? Please tell me it's a thing.
So, I stumbled across this and thought I’d share, because I’d never seen anything like it before, and my first reaction was “Wow, how useful!”
If this is something totally commonplace, please forgive my nerdy, hick-ish excitement. I just love handy gadgets, and I’m probably now going to be on a constant quest to find an establishment that uses these. :3
That’s a French press. I’ve never seen a disposable one before like the one in your link, but you can get several types made out of metal, glass, plastic, etc. While I haven’t used one for tea myself, my sister really likes them for making coffee.
Bodum makes a reusable travel mug for tea with a French Press built in. You can get it at some tea shops or on Amazon:
I don’t know about using something that leaves the leaves in contact with the hot water, and presses the wet leaves at that. But maybe I’m wrong. Anybody use a french press type mug for tea and end up extracting more bitterness or astringency than you expected?
I used to use a french press to brew tea years ago. The problem I have with them is that the tea is still kind of in contact with the water after the steeping time. I was young and a bad tea drinker then (seriously, it was like 8 years ago and I was in like 8th grade) and I drank a lot of rooibos which it brewed very well. I wouldn’t use one now, because the tea doesn’t separate from the water. Also, it was a chore to clean it. I find that it’s even worse to clean coffee out of, so I don’t even use them for that. I’m lazy.
I’m aware of what a French press is. My amazement stems from the fact that someone decided to build one into a disposable to-go cup for tea.
As far as using a French press goes, whenever my husband and I visit his parents, we always use the French press they have at their house (they once used it for coffee but have since found a method they like better, so they never use the French press anymore). It does well if you’re making tea for more then one person, but you do need to be sure to pour the tea into cups fairly quickly and not leave the brew in there, because yeah, there is still some limited circulation going on there. That being said, THIS cup looks like first of all, the leaves get trapped in a bubble that is fairly small, so one serving size of tea leaves would not have that much extra space to move around, thereby eliminating some of the post-steeping circulation. Secondly, the plug looks like it fits pretty snugly into the bottom of the cup, making it less likely that you would get “floaters,” as I have seen some French presses do. Overall, I was just impressed that someone had thought to even try this design in a disposable cup.
Here’s a store with something like it. It’s in Brampton , Ontario.!product/prd2/966515644/tea-roadie
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