favorite Moroccan mint tea?
My hands-down favorite so far is Alice’s Casablanca, but I’m running low. What are people’s favorites?
Mariage Freres´s Casablanca (lol, there is a theme) – with a hint of bergamot. so perfect.
Organic Moroccan Mint from Arbor Teas is quite nice.
I’ve tried Organic Moroccan Mint from The Tea Company and I keep wanting more. In my opinion, it’s by far the most refreshing mint tea I’ve ever had. They blend it with organic spearmint, organic peppermint and organic gunpowder. I enjoy it both hot or iced. https://theteacompany.com/our-loose-leaf-tea-menu/green-teas/moroccan-mint-loose-leaf-tea.html
I loooove my mint tea. Though I’m not a fan of the smokey metallic flavour in gunpowder tea, so I’m iffy on the “Moroccan Mint” ones.
That said… Does anyone have a fave source in Canada?
I really like David’s North African Mint. I think they differ from most by NOT using gunpowder tea (it’s a hojicha green base), and the spice blend they use is delicious.
I think I tried that one, I found it more of a mint/chai hybrid. Nice for a change!
I think you’re right, I mean you definitely have to enjoy cardamom if you’re going to like it. Flavor aside, it’s become my cure-all tea; something about the mint/spice combo picks me up whenever I’m feeling mildly unwell.
Exactly. I don’t mind it once in awhile but in general I am not a huge cardamom fan. Though my tastes change when I’m sick so maybe I’ll pick some up next time I have a head cold! :)
My favorite so far is one I found at Tin Roof Teas in NC, they get a lot of their tea from TeaGschwendner so you may be able to find it at another place if they source from them. Adagio also has some nice variations like Casablanca Twist that uses a darjeeling instead of gunpowder green.
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