That looks really cool but at that price think how much tea you could buy! I’ll go with the tea. If it had been$10 I might have considered it.
I’ve seen this journal before and as much as I love Moleskine, I find that Steepster is a bit like my own tea journal. I could see this being a nice journal to have if you don’t track much on Steepster or prefer something tangible. As for Moleskine “passion” journals, my brother’s girlfriend has the recipe one and really likes it.
Hmm… this actually inspires me to start my own tea journal with notes and other information. Steepster is great but notes are not organized in any way and it’s difficult sometimes to get to the note I have in mind. Plus.. I think it would be fun. :D
I have it. :) I really like it, although I wish it contained more ‘Tasting’ pages.
I have it as well, Moleskine is one of my sponsors for my PR group. I love yet since I’m a noob at teas and it helps me remember what is a better combination with how much tea to use, cream, sugar, timing, temperature and all that goods. :)
Did buy it (or another) and do you like and use it?
Have it… Need to use it, but recently saw one offered by World Tea Podcast that I am tempted to get. Got wind of their existence courtesy of Liquid Proust. For $11 CAD and free shipping. Even less in USD and I like the cover. Simpler format. You may want to check it out:
Interesting, Firefox says this is an unsafe site and won’t load it.
So sorry… I am using iPhone and don’t get any warning. Maybe just try ?? There’s not much there to buy. Don’t think you can miss it, but it’s on the drop down list below the tea samples.
Normally I prefer tangible books, but in terms of a notebook like that, I tend not to go for them because sectioned notebooks that aren’t also binders means you quickly run out of room in one section, which leaves you stuck. Found that out when I got a book-logging book.
For reviews, I stick to Steepster. I DO keep a tea-journal, though.
Use it for quick relevant notes, lists of tea books I need to get, and quick reviews/book notes… Lots of stuff. I tab the relevant pages I refer back to a lot, but otherwise. There’s a decomposition notebook with a tea/coffeecup pattern on it which I’ve been eyeing as my “next” possible journal once my current one fills up.
Gotta say, World Tea’s looks pretty nice though, and the style’s much more something I’d go for.
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