Are there any travel tumblers without plastic?
I’m looking for a new tea tumbler and trying to avoid plastic due to potential leeching/health hazards.
I know there are plenty of tumblers out there with stainless steel or glass bodies, but most of them use plastic to some extent either in the lid or the infuser/strainer area. This seems counter-intuitive to me since many tumbler/infusers call for turning the whole thing upside down to infuse the tea and right side up again when you want to stop. In other words, the water is in contact with the plastic parts of the bottle mostly when it is HOTTEST and most vulnerable to leeching.
It may be harder to create a watertight seal without plastic but it’s definitely possible since Klean Kantean has made caps of pure metal. So, does anyone out there know of a tea tumbler that doesn’t require any plastic parts to touch the water?(plastic on the outside is obviously fine) Thanks.
My teavana tumbler has a very deep basket and doesn’t say anything about turning it upside down to steep. That would give your tea less time to be in contact with the plastic lip and lid. I love mine. The only draw back is it keeps my tea so so hot :) that I can hardly drink it when I first open it.
Which one are you referring to? The stainless steel one has plastic supporting the basket. The contour one is better but the type of basket it uses(totally seperate from the cap) seems like it could be hard to remove once your done steeping.
I’m using the contour tumbler. It has a little handle on the basket so it is easy to pull out. Most tumblers/and cups with with a steeping basket can be a little messy. It seems that is always a problem with where to put those darn leave:) I usually steep mine in my Breville and just pour it into the tumbler, thereby not using the steeping in the tumbler at all
I have the DaivdsTea Noble Thermos. It’s double-walled glass with a deep, metal steeping basket. You can either put the tea in and drink through the strainer, or put the tea in the strainer basket and remove it when done brewing. The inside of the lid is plastic, but they mentioned they are looking to replace their lids since the wood is very brittle on the outside.
Here’s a glass and metal one:
Thanks, that link looks potentially promising. Though I’m slightly concerned that the cap is aluminum since I know aluminum bottles are coated with plastic on the inside, not sure if that could apply to the cap(paranoid I know :P).
Don’t forget to checkout the teaware section to see what other steepster members think of some of the tumblers.
Klean Kanteen’s tumbler lid actually does have a plastic ring to prevent leaks, but I don’t think it’ll affect the tastes too much.
You could always just use a thermos without an infuser or strainer basket (in which case you also wouldn’t need to flip it over). I have a Zoji tea thermos with a plastic strainer basket, but it’s removable, and would work fine without it.
Some of the Chinese ones just have a metal mesh strainer near the top to keep the leaves out of your mouth.
We sell a Glass Tea Tumbler that comes with a plastic lid & steel strainer that screws on. We found that it is really difficult to avoid a plastic lid, so that was our compromise. The strainer is shallow, so you can’t really put your tea in the top. You simply put your tea in the water and let it steep or pour it out. We find that with Glass, people want to see their tea leaves unfold in addition to see the color of the tea. We drink Pu-erh tea in it daily. Here is a link to our tumbler:
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