Infuser Mug Recommendations?
I currently have the Tea Forte Kati infuser mug, which I bought about 3-4 weeks ago and it recently started to leak :( also it has no handle so it just about burns my hand off half the time… Can anyone help me find a better infuser mug?? Any recs would be greatly appreciated!!
I also have a Kati cup that I still use (although not the infuser it came with), but I love love my DavidsTea Perfect Tea Mug. It is similar to the FORLIFE infuser mugs you can find at amazon, but the David’s ones come in cuter patterns :) They have handles, and the infuser is much nicer. You can also buy just the infuser and use a mug you already have too.
Here’s a recent thread about infusers for mugs you already have and some of the options:
I got one at Teagschwendner a number of years ago. Many people will disagree because it is plastic, but I found it quite nice. Many of the infuser/mugs were glass and I’m such a klutz I know I would break it. I used it constantly until upgraded to the Breville. Oh,and ouch for burning yourself:(
I just ordered this from Amazon and love it.!!! I ordered it with the deep stainless steel infuser which is great. Very fine holes so no tea gets thru. I’ve had no leaking from the lid and I love that its 18oz. I’ve only used it for hot tea.
That’s the big gulp!! Lol! That would be great to bring to work! Does it keep your tea hot?
yes it has kept the tea hot but with the weather we have now (-10 ) its hard to keep anything hot when taking it outside!! I really like this traveler and actually think its much better than any of the Vessels drink ware. Have been using in the house too just because it makes such a great cup of tea!
+1 for the Davids tea Perfect Mugs. They are probably a little low on colours until the Spring collection comes in but there was a super cute lovebirds one for Valentines day. I have two (one glass, one with an image) and they are fantastic for fast/easy tea prep for just me. I also love their bubble teapots for sharing. I used my perfect tea mug every day at work though. Rinsed the parts between steepings and all was good. The glass one does lose heat a little more quickly than the ceramics, keep in mind.
I have four of the glass ones and love them. The other down side to the glass is the lid. It has a big lip that is super hard to clean under or get all of the water out of. I don’t think the ceramic versions have that issue, but I’m not 100% on that.
Fair point! At work I used paper towel and folded it to make a stronger edge to run under the lip. My ceramic one is three years old but doesn’t have that issue. On the other hand, the glass one is way better at collecting drips. I have had the ceramic lid overflow because it is very shallow.
Ah! I didn’t know that about the ceramic lids! Guess I’m still glad I have my glass over ceramic then!
This picture sort of shows what I mean. The lip is quite small if there is much water still in the infuser.
We have at least a dozen perfect mugs and they are just that – perfect. I absolutely recommend them wholeheartedly!!
Oh… Bahaha I completely thought “aisling of tea” was a tea vendor!!! Blonde moment!!
Ha! Sorry about the confusion, I wasn’t quite awake yet when I replied. Although with the amount of tea I have, maybe I should start selling… XD
Not an infuser mug exactly, but finum filter papers are greaf for one cup brewing.
I have a Steeping Mug from The Tea Spot. It has worked great for me so far:
Another possibility that you can use with any mug:
I like the tipping tea cup from Mossimo. I also have the tumbler from Davids Tea (double walled so no burning!)
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