OMG, Steepster has a new look!
Yay, Steepster has a new design!! Love the way the notes show up on my dashboard, great new look! Thank you!!!
I don’t like the new choice in font with the tasting notes, but I’ll get used to it.
Didn’t check that out yet Starfevre, I got too excited when I saw my dashboard, lol.
I agree with Starfevre.. I DON’T like the font for tasting notes. Tougher for me read.
My favourite thing? Going to a tea and being able to see who has it, and who wants it. So good for swaps!
I wish teaware went into a second cupboard lol ie. I don’t like it in the count of my teas, but I would like to track the teaware I have heh but love the new place to put teaware!
The teaware section was really more of a last minute add, so it doesn’t do everything we’d like it to do. But we thought the differentiation on the tea index would be a start. But yea, there’s a lot more we can and want to do with teaware.
More info here!
I really like pretty much everything so far!!! But I second what Sil mentioned about teaware, I’d prefer having it separately, but it’s a great new feature, loving it. I like how clear and clean the notes show up, much easier to read :-)
Excellent job you guys, looking forward to have fun and get accustomed to everything!!
For the “amount” of leaf used I’m having issues recording anything other than a whole number.
Example, both teas I just made I used 1.5 tsp. of leaf, but this is being rounded down to 1 tsp. of leaf. Is there a correct way I should be inputting that info. so it doesn’t happen like that?
I don’t like that, what used to be the tea descriptions, are way down at the bottom of the page. In the old format, you could see exactly what a tea was at first glance. Because the teas haven’t been entered under the new format, it’s hard to tell what they are.
For example Nina’s Japon – at the top of the page right now all it says is black/green blend. You have to scroll down through – if it’s available, who has it, who wants it, tasting notes, to find a description of the tea. IMHO that info should be easier to see, and is more important to me than everything else I have to scroll through to find it.
You look up a tea to find out info about it….
Yeah, the ingredients list helps, but the description should be the first thing you see.
I agree with this… It’s very strange that the tea’s description is now at the bottom of the page. I feel as though the description should be moved right next to or right under the new tea type section. With this being a completely new and in depth page, none of the the information for that section will be filled in for quite a while. Having the old description up top will be very useful for those who are willing to fill in all the new sections.
Just to explain our thinking behind this: Right now, we feel like the descriptions generally contain too much unhelpful/superfluous content wrapped around the bits of info that really help people understand and connect to a tea, which is why we moved them lower. Our thought is that we can eventually get more useful and relevant data from users and their tasting notes to surface at the top of the page, making it easier and quicker to get a true sense of a tea. To start, our version isn’t ideal because the data (obviously) isn’t in there yet. But we’re hoping this puts us on the right path to get there.
With that said, we’ll be monitoring all this closely and seeing how people react and how it affect their use of the page/Steepster in general. Hopefully it has a positive effect, if not we’ll certainly reassess.
Jason – I appreciate what you are saying, and maybe in time as data is entered it will get better, but right now it’s hard to find out that “Florance” is a chocolate hazelnut tea.
“Our thought is that we can eventually get more useful and relevant data from users and their tasting notes to surface at the top of the page, making it easier and quicker to get a true sense of a tea.”
So basically instead of the tea company’s description of a tea, you think tasters OPINIONS are more relevant – even though we all experience differently – how does the program decide who’s opinion is shown first. Several different tasting notes can say different things. How do you decide, what I see first?
On that note – how are tasting notes sorted, they aren’t newest first, they aren’t most liked first, seem that they are just randomly placed?
I’m not trying to be overly negative, I just don’t understand…
I think it just means we users have to be diligent in adding the info to the tea pages.
I’d have to second this. I heartily dislike that the tea’s information is now essentially in the middle of the page. I’m not sure how many summary tasting notes are displayed before you get to the info, but I can see it getting pretty irritating pretty fast if I have to scroll down a bunch of notes just to see what’s in ‘x’ tea. Especially since I can’t just hit my ‘end’ button to bring me to the bottom of the page because then I have to scroll up through the actual tasting notes.
After spending a lot more time looking at everything this morning and get a better understanding of everything, I come to this conclusion for now: I’m loving the dashboard page, I thing it’s a lot easier to read and looks cleaner, I like the new fonts.
The tea page is more confusing to me. I understand that all the infos are not entered yet but I agree that some adjustments should be made. I think the problem is not about the new features cause I think they are really great and will be helpful and useful eventually. The problem is really about the placement of things. It’s too much clutter, you can’t get what you really need to see in one glance, you really have to look for it cause it’s all over the place. And it’s not just a matter of getting used to change, I for one love change and I’m super exciting about what you are doing here. But the tea page really needs some work IMHO.
I love the fact that you guys allow us to give real feedback cause after all, you are doing all this for us, right? :-)
Jason – nice job on the redesign; visual impact is strongly positive. However, I must agree with Dexter’s point about the descriptive narrative for each tea; too much effort/time required to find it with the new placement.
“Jason – nice job on the redesign; visual impact is strongly positive.” Agreed, it’s excellent!
However, the visual impact of the heart like icon/button has significantly diminished compared with the previous version of the dashboard and the tea pages.
For the sake of saving some time, I’ll link in my reply from the other thread, which answers a lot of these questions. If I didn’t cover something, feel free to reply.
Sorry for being lazy ;)
Jason/Admins – is this where you want feedback, or is there a place you’d rather get it for easier tracking? since we’re all getting in to things :)
Made a tasting note, saved it and when it brought me to the tea page, it was showing me an old tasting note. I had to go to my tea log to see the new note that i’d just created.
I had that with my Ruby Pie note too. It just showed the one that had the most comments.
After a while we may lock the thread to make sure future feedback is funneled through email, but here is fine for now.
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