Military deployment, tea maker, tea
First of all, I know this is probably against Steepster Forum rules, so don’t send me any reprimands… I apologize in advance. One of our own Steepsterites is soon to be deployed and was asking for us to recommend a tea maker. Several of us recommended the Breville which costs about $250. He was a little worried about the price.
I am sending him a little tea (doesn’t have much in his cupboard) and a little cash towards the purchase of a Breville. I was wondering if anyone else would like to help him out. I know that the Steepsterite community is the most generous group of people I’ve ever been in contact with. Think of it as supporting our military without the middleman or a Happy Groundhog’s Day present or whatever you want, but is not a “handout”. It’s just a token of our esteem. If you don’t feel comfortable send anything, perhaps a PM or posting to say thanks for all the men and women who protect us every day would be appreciated.
I did check with him before sending this and in his usual humble way he replied…
“I can say that rarely, the amount of generosity in a community does much to affect the individuals as it does the group. But every once in a great while we notice specific actions that more or less re-affirm our faith in the public ideal of the military. Having done this for 10 years now, I know that my younger Marines are as susceptible to media influence as the public. We often only hear the word of a want for military withdrawal and non-involvement. We appreciate the public and what you guys do in order to show the support for what we do. To many of us, it’s second nature and for some it’s a 4 year job and commitment they’ve chosen to make for varying reasons. However, for many of us, it’s a career that we’ve dedicated a significant amount of our lives to this lifestyle. It becomes second nature, just like any job after being done long enough. Several of my Marines and I have just returned from a combat deployment only a few months ago to leave on another in a few months. To us it “normal” but to our family and friends it can be tough. I know I speak for most military careerists when I express my appreciation for genuine acts of kindness by genuine people in a genuine world. I don’t mind if you post this, but I guess being an independent person, I always feel weird accepting hand-outs. Thank you for you kindness and thoughts.
Your friend,
Josh B
You might consider taking his actual address off the post and having people PM you or him for it. Not only Steepster people crawl the forums and having that info out there like that might not be the best idea. :)
The overwhelming amount of positive response is really heart warming. I’m sure I’m not the only Steepster that serves in the US military or any military for that matter. Like carol said, I would never ask for charity or hand outs. I just appreciate the kind words and thoughts and I know all military members past and present would say the same. Thank you all for just being so welcoming in this community for a “rough and tumble” Marine like myself.
Just wanted to give everyone an update. I have been literally overwhelmed by the amount of support from all my fellow steepsterites. I really can’t thank you all enough for the selflessness shown here, simply amazing in every way! With that said I am about 50$ away from a breville!!! And now I have quite a bit of tea to go with it, samples are samples but they’re at least something so those of you who donated something I appreciate it beyond what words can really express! Pictures and more to follow!! Thank you all so much again!
Here is the newest update…The revile finally came in today!! Obviously, as any self respecting steepsterite would, i plugged it in, cleaned it out and made a nice cup of tea. I can’t say enough about the generosity and support of the people that surround us everyday. Thank you to all that helped toward this goal. I appreciate all the support i receive from normal people everyday, but its the few that give when they don’t need to that stand out as extraordinary. Thank you, and cheers!
I’m sorry I didn’t see this thread when it was first posted. It sounds like you’ve already gotten the Breville, but I’d be happy to contribute dome tea – I’ve got a lot (and am always looking for an excuse to get more). If you’re about to deploy, would it be better to send some now or wait until you’re deployed and send it there?
I’ll follow you so you can PM me if you’d like. I had a relative who was deployed for some time, and I know that an unexpected package can really brighten a day.
Katiek, I appreciate the offer. People on this sight never cease to amaze me:) it’s really up to you if and when you’d like to send some, if you send it now, I’ll pack some along with me, if you send it later, I’ll have some when I get there… I don’t mind at all, every little addition is so enjoyable, almost makes the deployment sound like a good time. My feet kicked up on a sandbag, rifle by my side with a cup of tea watching the Afghani sunrise…lol not so sure that’d be what actually happens but it puts a nice spin on things:) I’ll follow you now, and we can chat more:)
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